Ellie: Honey, why don't you go to your crazy place?
Jules: I don't want to.

Grayson: I'm not getting involved.
Jules: You so are. You ate his lasagna last night.
Grayson: I ate dead baby lasagna?

Grayson: Why do you keep doing this if you know I hate it?
Jules: You just answered your own question.

Ugh. Its really hard to chug pinot.


Laurie: Okay I'm lost inside my brain again...
Ellie: Oh jelly bean.
Laurie: Drinking games! I love drinking games!

Jules: What's up? It hasn't been 24 hours?
Grayson: I missed you.

Jules: Wine now - no no, I need big Joe.
Ellie: (to Lourie) Man hands help me.

5-4-3 my anger is a purple balloon and I let it go.


Bonnie: I'm not perfect Jules.
Jules: Really.

Ellie: Good lord you wake up peppy!
Jules: Now where was I before the siesta?

(to Andy) You're really bald from up here.


He just left and I'm jonezing for his cuddles.


Cougar Town Season 2 Quotes

Plus, I get to lean on my Gracieship.


Travis: I don't get it how is that a drinking game?
Jules: We drink while we do it.