If we're gonna be sneaking around the neighborhood at night should my husband be dressed like a cat burglar ?


This is our cul-de-sac damn it. Tonight we take back the sack! First order of business we need a new slogan.


I love my security system. It's like I live in an antique store.


Laurie: Hey hot flash, did you do that? (It says FAKE on her purse)
Ellie: Yes, I did. See the reason why I buy expensive things is to belittle people who cant afford them.

Go see him, dork university is like almost twenty minutes away.


Here, I'm gonna be a quiet bad ass. Like Harry Potter.


Can you believe it Kevin? This is college.


Ellie: Oh! Stan walked!
Jules: Now is not the time.
Ellie: Right.

Jules: I've been afraid of this moment for so long, but I know I raised such a great kid -
Bobby: We we raised a good kid.

Travis: You're kinda smothering me.
Jules: With love. It doesn't count.

Jules: Travis! You're mine today.
Travis: This can't be good.

Jules! Slap out of it.


Cougar Town Season 2 Quotes

Plus, I get to lean on my Gracieship.


Travis: I don't get it how is that a drinking game?
Jules: We drink while we do it.