Once they've suffered a miscarriage, some women sit alone in the dark for hours. They refuse to go out in the light of day, afraid to face the possibility that life will go on. They hold onto reminders of their unborn child and dream of what might have been. Yes, this is how some women react when they've suffered such a loss. Gabrielle Solis was not one of those women.

Mary Alice

Lynette, I can keep my children alive. When you left this morning, there were four. When you came home, there were still four. When you come home and there are only three, then you get to lecture me.


Lynette: I've got an important assignment for you.
Stu: Great. I'm really ready to take on more responsibility around here.
Lynette: Yeah, I applaud that, but what I need...is for you to help me prove a point to my husband.
Stu: Huh, you wanna make him jealous.
Lynette: Uh, no (chuckles). Actually (takes out some candy) I need you to kidnap my children!

Bree, my friends are models, they're never happy for anyone.


Yes, cameras are tools designed to capture images. But in truth, they can capture so much more. They can uncover hidden longing of men who should no longer care. They can reveal the extraordinary secrets of the most ordinary marriages. Most amazing of all, cameras can quietly and clearly reveal to us our dreams. Dreams we didn't even know we had.

Mary Alice

True love is great, but at this point in my life, I'd rather go to the opera.


Gabrielle: How do I look?
Bree: Positively glowing.

(After Julie discovers her parents in bed together)
Susan: I have a good explanation for all this.
Julie: Doubt it.
Susan: You probably don't know your father and Edie broke up last night.
Julie: You slept with him the same night he broke up with her.
Susan: I said it was a good explanation, not a great one.

George: Bree, will you marry me?
Bree: Uhh?
George: I love you, and I think I know how you feel about me, so why wait?
Bree: George, Rex hasn't even been dead for two months!
George: Yes, but if this death has taught us anything is that life is short, it's dumb to play it safe. If we see a chance for happiness we should grab it and hold on tight.
Bree: See I thought we were going to a yard sale!

Susan. Why are you so eerily calm? Mike Delfino just dumped you. The Susan Mayer I know would be a blubbering mess right now. Oh, come on, trot her on out. She's fun to watch.


Gabrielle: Some of my model friends are coming down from New York on Friday so I have to look better than ever. I can't have them thinking I moved to the suburbs and I shop at strip malls.
Vern: When they see this dress they will crumple to the floor like the Botox tags they are.

Dr. Goldfine: So you agreed to marry him just to be polite?
Bree: Well, obviously there's a down side to having good manners.

Desperate Housewives Season 2 Quotes

Bree: Give me your tie.
Tom: What?
Bree: Give me your tie!
Lynette: Give it to her! Give it to her!

(to Rex's corpse) You look... magnificent.
