If the point is to test my cognitive skills, I'd much rather do so by solving a murder.

Sherlock [to Joan]

Perhaps you missed the part about a potential weapon of mass destruction needing to be found.

Sherlock [to Joan]

I want to have kids someday. But you go, and tell us what you find.

Marcus [to Sherlock]

He'd only have to be the brightest bulb of a dim lot.

Sherlock [to Joan]

Joan: Maybe I'm just lazy.
Sherlock: You most assuredly are not.

The only color I and the other (white-nationalist) leaders care about is green.


If you like Unicorn Utopia, you're going to love Pretty Princess Party.

Joan [to Sherlock]

Well, that [bullet hole] wasn't made with a musket. Someone brought a modern gun to a historical battle.

Sherlock [to Gregson]

Sherlock: Some see [the Battle of Harlem Heights] as the beginning of the end.
Gregson: We see it as the beginning on this side of the Pond.

Joan: That sounds like a pyramid scheme to me.
Bodyguard: That's because it pretty much is one.

Sherlock [to Dr. Hanson]: So that's the sum total of your professional advice: Just wait and hope for the best.

Joan: What's that on your head?
Sherlock: It's a welder's mask from the 1930s.
Joan: OK. Why is it on your head?
Sherlock: Its filtered lenses offer better protection against glare than regular sunglasses.

Elementary Quotes

Holmes: Why do you suppose you hate your job so much?
Watson: I don't hate my job.
Holmes: You have two alarm clocks. No one with two alarm clocks loves their job. Two alarm clocks mean it's a chore for you to get up in the morning.

Watson: How do you do it, guess things?
Sherlock: I observe and then I deduce.
Watson: How did you know I was a doctor, you said you could tell from my hands.
Sherlock: Hand, singular. It was soft no calluses.
Watson: How did you know my father had an affair?
Sherlock: Google. Not everything is deducible.