You're sober. There's no way you could have done that without trusting the people around you. Right now, when you're in pain and can't think straight, it's probably not the best time to change the formula.

Michael [to Sherlock]

The fact that I'm upright can be credited to our French press.

Sherlock [to Joan]

We missed a glaringly obvious deduction yesterday. I'm going to blame the Gabupentin. I'm not sure what your excuse is.

Sherlock [to Joan]

Sherlock: There's got to be another way to treat my condition.
Dr. Hanson: There is.
Sherlock: Rest.
Dr. Hanson: I know it's a four-letter word to you,
Sherlock: It's a four-letter word to everyone.

Sherlock: The Victorians knew how to build a sensory-deprivation tank.
Joan: They also used to box with kangaroos.
Sherlock: What's your point?

Joan: Oh, so you respect my privacy.
Sherlock: Unlike all the rest, I know where you were at the time of the murder.

Joan: What are you, my therapist?
Lin: For the extent of this visit, yes. Would you like to lie down?

Lin: Too bad Dr. Reed isn't here. She could see you already have a kid [Sherlock]. Too soon?
Joan: Too soon.

You are the most complete person I've ever met.

Lin [to Joan]

I've been recording our whole conversation. And if you don't leave my home, it too will end with a murder. Just not mine.

Sherlock [to Mr. Clay]

Trust me, I get it. I wish I could put [Sherlock] in a box sometime.

Marcus [to Joan]

I am tired of giving you a pass.

Gregson [to Sherlock]

Elementary Quotes

Holmes: Why do you suppose you hate your job so much?
Watson: I don't hate my job.
Holmes: You have two alarm clocks. No one with two alarm clocks loves their job. Two alarm clocks mean it's a chore for you to get up in the morning.

Watson: How do you do it, guess things?
Sherlock: I observe and then I deduce.
Watson: How did you know I was a doctor, you said you could tell from my hands.
Sherlock: Hand, singular. It was soft no calluses.
Watson: How did you know my father had an affair?
Sherlock: Google. Not everything is deducible.