Imagine the indignity of being told my brain is normal.

Sherlock [to Joan]

My personality hasn't changed.

Sherlock [to Joan]

Drew Bishop: My sister has a lot of ex-boyfriends. Which one is missing?
Sherlock: Sammy Olivetti. Tall. Tattoos. Phallus to make a Clydesdale blush.

Sherlock: You praised me yesterday for talking this all so very well. I'm really not.
Joan: That's OK. I know how scary this is.

If I can no longer function as a detective, I'm not sure I can stay sober. And if I can't stay sober, how's my brain going to heal?


Sherlock: You know, I was recently reminded of our fleeting mortality, so I wonder if you were approaching a point.
Bethany: You know, you could be nice to me. I'm here in distress.

Did he just steal my phone?

Bethany [to Marcus]

You're not going to go through this alone, OK?

Joan [to Sherlock]

Lin: How are you holding up?
Joan: Honestly, I wish I felt more. I was so young when he left that I don't even really remember him.

This man was not killed by God or Zeus or Indra or any other bolt-flinging deity.


Hit in the pelvis by a billion volts of electricity. Ouch!


The killer's freeze ray was in the shop, so he used his lightning gun instead.


Elementary Quotes

Holmes: Why do you suppose you hate your job so much?
Watson: I don't hate my job.
Holmes: You have two alarm clocks. No one with two alarm clocks loves their job. Two alarm clocks mean it's a chore for you to get up in the morning.

Watson: How do you do it, guess things?
Sherlock: I observe and then I deduce.
Watson: How did you know I was a doctor, you said you could tell from my hands.
Sherlock: Hand, singular. It was soft no calluses.
Watson: How did you know my father had an affair?
Sherlock: Google. Not everything is deducible.