R.J. Spencer: Eric, I started this website out of my parents' basement for two reasons: to get laid and to make a little money, neither of which are coming to fruition.

How the fuck you know Jesse Jane? You know how much Lubriderm I burned through on that broad?

Turtle [to Drama]

Drama: Comic-con?
Turtle: Ain't that that comic book geek-fest you go to every year?
Drama: That's no geek-fest, Turtle. That's my bread and butter. I make $1800 a day selling autties.
Turtle: You sell German cars there?
Drama: Autographs, dickbag! I've been begging you guys to come for years.
Turtle: And we've been laughing in your face for years because we don't like comic book geeks

Drama: Vanessa Angel. She did three episodes of "Viking Quest" and they just gave her this shitbag spin off. She's been riding the "Viking Quest" wave for like a decade.
Turtle: So do you.
Eric: Didn't "Angel Quest" run five times longer than "Viking Quest"?
Drama: Yeah, but it's only 'cause she showed her tits in "Playboy"

Vince [about R.J. Spencer]: I'm gonna tell him he's a fat, comic book-loving prick.
Eric: Hey listen, this guy's got a website that gets a million hits a day. He can sink a movie faster than Stephen Dorff.
Shauna: Hey, watch it asshole! That guy's my client

Turtle: You should go out with the Angel, man, I'm telling you!
Drama: Please, you know I don't like classically beautiful women. Give me a nice nose break or a lazy eye.
Turtle: You're insane

R.J. Spencer: I have one goal in my life: to drown Aquaman

Vince: Johnny, you're burnt to a crisp.
Drama: Nah, in another hour it will turn to a nice Maple syrupy brown

[discussing the RJ Spencer interview]
Shauna: Just look at the guy like a prom date. You buy him a corsage, he'll at least give you a hand job.
Turtle: Who the fuck wants a hand job?

Drama: Malibu? I booked a massage.
Vince: So cancel it. I'll have Turtle give you a rubdown

Drama: This is kind of embarrassing but sometimes I wake up in the morning fully tented. Any advice?
Dr. Joyce Brothers: Well at your age, consider yourself lucky

Don't worry about it, E. When they do a Top 40 Under 4 Feet, BOOM, top of the list!


Entourage Season 2 Quotes

Ari: I thought the girlfriend was still in play.
Vince Aww, bad time of the month to come home.
Ari: Oh, you're like me.
Eric: Oh yea, how so?
Ari: I won't even fuck my wife after she plays tennis.

Before he did Born on the 4th of July, Tom Cruise did Top Gun. Hanks fucked the fish before he did Forrest Gump.
