Joey: Ho! Ho! This guy's an ox! He's got oxon-like strength! Hey, he needs a nickname, right? Let's call him Clamps.
Clamps: Clamps? That's my name, you numbskull! Don't make me clamp you one!

Leela: Zapp, last night was a mistake.
Zapp Brannigan: A sexy mistake.
Leela: No, just a regular mistake. For a split second my common sense was overwhelmed by pity.
Zapp Brannigan: A split second is all it takes. That's why sooner or later you'll come crawling back to the Zapper.
Leela: The only kind of crawling I'm doing to you is away... from!
Zapp Brannigan: Leela, you're obviously confused and aroused.

You know that floor safe where you keep ten grand? There's five grand in there.


Fry: (Whispering to Zoidberg from behind a bush) Tell her she looks thin!
Zoidberg: (shouting) You seem malnourished. Are you suffering from internal parasites?
Edna: Why, yes. Thanks for noticing.

Fry: Hey listen Bender. Where's your bathroom?
Bender: Bath what?
Fry: Bathroom!
Bender: What room?
Fry: Bathroom!
Bender: What what?
Fry: Oh! Nevermind.

Has my reputation preceded me or was I too quick for it?

Zapp Brannigan

Don't worry Leela, one day we'll be able to look back on this and laugh. (Walks towards the door and laughs)


Fender: Hey, Bender!
Bender: Hey, Fender! Man, I haven't seen you since high school. You still workin' at Jack In The Box?
Fender: Not anymore, buddy! I'm with the band!

Robot: Sir? Are you aware that you're leaking coolant at an alarming rate?... Lemme just patch you up with some hot resin.
Fry: I think the leak's stopping itself. Wait... Wait... Yeah, there we go. Wait... Yeah!
Robot: What sort of robot turns down a free blast of searing-hot resin?

Leela: Aww! Somebody likes snouts.
Fry: Is it me?

Leela: I don't know which one to shoot.
Fry: Flexo! Shoot Flexo!

Bender: Come on, it's just like making love. Y'know; left, down, rotate 62 degrees, engage rotor.
Amy: I know how to make love!

Futurama Quotes

Dear Captain's Diary; I may not have found love on this mission but I did find a cute little companion who excretes starship fuel. And that's just as good.


Amy: Is it possible to get everyone back to normal using four or more bodies?
Professor: I'm not sure. I'm afraid we need to use... math!