Fry: Professor, please. The fate of the world depends on you getting to second base with Mom.
Farnsworth: Very well. If cop a feel I must, then cop a feel I shall!

Leela: Professor, you don't have to get back together with Mom. You just have to seduce her, get her bra off, and use the remote to deactivate the robots.
Walt: That's so filthy it just might work.
Igner: The man is going to touch Mommy?
Farnsworth: The thought of caressing that leathery hide makes the tapioca rise in my gullet.

Morbo: And that's why the third graders at PS139 are Morbo's Vermin of the Week.
Linda: In actual news, the human race was doomed to extinction today as the robot revolt turned violent.

Igner: But if the glasses man makes up with Mommy, she'll be happy and stop the scary robots.
Farnsworth: Make up with her? After she went all psycho when I thought everything was cool?

She never got over it, Professor. Hell hath no fury like the vast robot armies of a woman scorned.


Farnsworth: Good news, Mom. I've invented a new children's toy. I call it "Q.T. McWhiskers". When you pet it, it shoots rainbows from its eyes.
Mom: Wonderful, Hubie. We'll build them 8-feet tall and replace the rainbow with a neutron laser. We'll make billions on the intergalactic arms market!
Farnsworth: But things 8-feet tall aren't cute! That's why my Colossal Tammy Tinkle Doll was such a failure.

She was my first love... or at least the earliest one I can still remember.


Our paths first crossed when I was a researcher at Mom's Friendly Robot Company. The moment our eyes met we knew we'd be going at it like woodchucks.


It's a humiliating story that I hope never to tell. Well, pull up a chair.


Walt: We want you to get back together with Mom. Please, it's the only way to make her happy again.
Fry: W-W-Wait. You mean... you... and Mom-
Farnsworth: Played pelvic pinochle? I'm afraid so.

Amy: What happens if the fire goes out?
Hermes: We'll go across the street to Pottery Barn and steal their fire!
Farnsworth: We could use my new invention: A pointy rock tied to a stick.

I haven't seen that magnificent stallion since the day he left. But if I ever see him again, I swear I'll jam a squirrel in him!


Futurama Season 2 Episode 19 Quotes

Everyone, help mom find her bra.


I've got a big, big thirst for human blood!

Slurm Machine