Lily: I'm not paying for room service The Hooker ordered.
Barney: I've been there.

Alright I'll take a lap dance. Can I borrow some sweatpants?


Barney: Our minister just died.
Robin: We can still use the church but we only have two days to find a new officiant.
Barney: Unless! Wedding at Bernie's!
Robin: We're not doing wedding at Bernie's!

Hey I have given up peeing in the shower for you!


Reverend? More like Neverend. Prayer Five!


Every hookup at a weekend wedding is decided at Friday Night Drinks. Get stuck with the wrong girl, the only action you'll be getting all weekend is a self five and I don't mean the cool kind.


Loretta Stinson: You won the battle, but I'll win the war.
Robin: Game on bitch!

He's gotten really respectful with his fake listening.


Choose your wife, you always choose your wife.


Lily: Prove to me you can make a female friend. What about her?
Robin: Ugh the girl with the bangs? Any chick who does that to her hair is going through a big life transition I don't want to hear about. Next time grow your bangs long enough to cover your mouth. I'll pass.
Lily: Ok well what about her?
Robin: Ugh, comfortable shoes? What are you filibustering later? It's after five, put on some heels. I'll pass.

The Bro Code has been around for centuries. Nay, whatever's more than centuries.


Ted: So, you are mad about me and Robin holding hands.
Barney: Of course I'm mad Ted. Holding hands is like the fourth grade equivalent of banging. Well in your case, twelfth grade. Self five!