I have no idea why this stripper is worrying about socks.


The bunny costume is f#$king awesome, just because it looks like a serial killer.


So we go downstairs it's like mad dark, but like ten seconds into the club where the crowd was, bang, I see like these two girls like rolling around on the ground and I'm like oh s#$t, chick fight, then I look over and I'm like holy s#$t it's Sam!

Pauly D

Sam getting into a fight, that's some scary s#$t, and I just don't know what to do right now.


You don't yank my new weave that I just got.


I was always told to like defend myself. I will take down the world if I feel like somebody touched me the wrong way.


We're just trying to, you know, do sex, and this freaking clock keeps going off.


There's a hundred percent chance that Paula's gonna get a second date.


Yo forget this, let's go get Vinny. I can't take it anymore.

Pauly D

I mean if I was a guy, I would f#$k Paula. Hello, she's hot.


This like blows d#$k for skittles right now.


I hope Vinny's like home right now, because this would be bad if he wasn't home and we're just like roaming through his house.
