Cam: Woo! That's the real Jay!
Jay: You know it! [snaps finger]

I wanted two rough and tumble boys. I got a Manny and a pedi.


Cam: He is so adorable.
Mitch: I know, isn't he? Remember when Lily was like this?
Lily: What do you say when I'm not here?

Cam: The writing's on the wall.
Lily: But mostly on the curtains.

Something was bugging him, he needed to talk. It's like I don't want to be happy.


Jay: Okay, we can solve both our problems. We put this princess castle together in the next thirty minutes. Let's go!
Phil: How does this solve my problem?
Jay: Just go!

Maybe next year, Alex.


Lily: Mrs. Daniels my projects have too much glitter.
Cam: Okay. Well, she needs a Mr. Daniels, because a project can't have too much pizzazz.

Claire: We were called into Principal Brown's office one week before Alex's graduation.
Phil: That can only mean one of two things. Either she's going to be valedictorian, or they're giving an award for sexiest dad.

Jay: Name two cabinet level positions.
Gloria: That's easier. There's the higher one for the glasses, and the lower one for the pots and the pans.

I'm not a doctor yet, but it seems like you're having some sort of brain episode.


I gotta stop talking to that kid while I'm drinking.


Modern Family Quotes

You could pretend to get sick at the table. You know cough, stomachache, dealer's choice, I don't care just sell it.


Thank you Uncle Manny!
