McGee, stroke my plumage.


(in an "anchorman" voice) In a tragic story of obsessive hobbying turned deadly, an NCIS Agent was discovered in his basement crushed between a large, homemade boat and an even larger bottle of bourbon. Film at eleven!


Admiral McGee: My relationship with my son is none of your damned business.
Gibbs: You make him think he's nothing. You're the one with nothing.

Deena Bashan: Why should she have the man that she loves when she took mine from me?
Tony: I'm going to find her.
Deena Bashan: Ziva is gone Agent DiNozzo. When she left me that night she was not the same person.

Ziva: DiNozzo, pull it together.
Tony: Kids. This is way above my pay grade. I spent the afternoon in a child care clinic when I almost lost my life.
Ziva: Stop stop stop stop. We're doing the director a favor, okay? We just need to be here, we need to be normal. Can you just please do that for a few hours?
Tony: Sure. Fine.
Ziva: Fine.
Tony: Only because you asked nicely.

Magnus: Morning.
(Tony turns to face Magnus wondering who it might be)
Magnus: Gorgeous day.
Tony: It's 27 degrees out. Who are you?
Magnus: My name is Magnus. I'm meeting with Dr. Mallard.
Tony: (Turning to McGee) Is Ducky in the pond yet, McGee?
McGee: (To Magnus) I haven't seen him, you're welcome to wait here though if you'd like?
Magnus: If you don't mind, I'd... I'd like to wait in autopsy.
Tony: (Laughs) You sure? It smells funny.
Magnus: Well that's, er, that's a matter of opinion.
Tony: It's a matter of dead bodies. Stinky!

Palmer: This guy's had more plastic surgery than Joan Rivers and Cher combined.
Ducky: That is an inappropriate remark Mr. Palmer, however accurate.

I knew that guy was trouble. He's like an evil McGee.


McGee: If you don't like my rules you can find someone else to drive you in.
Tony: All I wanted was to stop for coffee. I was willing to treat.
McGee: No one eats or drinks in my car.
Tony: Well I guess sex is out of the question.

You cannot trust a man whose loyalty has a price.


Fred: Uh, Special Agent Gibbs?
Gibbs: What, Fred?
Fred: I have a problem. Uh, Anthony DiNozzo, Sr. is not only staying in a $1,500-a-night suite, he's also running up a huge tab. Spa treatment, manicure, room service, French champagne, and I just got a call, he's ordered a limousine for tonight.
Gibbs: Guess you haven't got the bill for the flowers yet?

Khan: Who is this?
McGee: Someone smarter than you who's about to hang up.

NCIS Quotes

Bishop: Seriously? How'd you get that?
Tony: Well, it's like Gorillas in the Midst. You'll get to understand his grunts.

Torres: When I break out the glass, maybe I can rip out the bars.
Bishop: With what? Your superhuman strength?