Ben: You haven't delivered any babies yet.
Mina: There's a reason for that. I don't like babies.
Ben: You don't have to like them. You just have to catch them.

I feel like I just got knocked up but I didn't even get to have the unprotected sex.


The least they could have done is thrown down a tarp instead of rolling all over my herbs with their big, bare, assess.


So I guess running into a live gas pocket was a pretty smooth move on your part?


I realize that you don't like me but sticking me with the ass with the ass lesion is just kind of mean.


He needs someone tough, brutal, and heartless. And I mean that as the utmost compliment.


She looked so sad. I knew the prison outbreak would cheer her up.


You're making me feel weak, Keaton. I need you to make me feel strong.


You'd have an imaginary friend too if you'd been stuck in here that long.


We should do it again sometime Keaton. You know, when my heart's not exploding.


You can't buy bagels in the jungle!


I'm afraid those toes have seen the last of their outdoor music festivals.


Off the Map Quotes

Practicing tropical medicine in a third-world country is a different game... You don't have high tech, you don't have big pharma - you have your brain, you have your instincts.


They don't give a crap about the work. They're just padding their resumes with a little third world do gooding.
