Tammy does not abide by the Geneva Convention.


This is why they call it Beantown, huh?


Oh, you know, just regionally directing the midwest whatever of who cares.


Ben: You're my friend.
April: No I'm not, I've never cared for you.

I prefer quality over flash - that's why I refuse to write my signature in cursive.


Tom: Tom Haverford? That's nice, but I don't think we can consider me a celebrity.
Donna: That's your handwriting.

Andy: That book sounded so boring I almost cried a little.
April: Aw babe I'm sorry you had to hear that, you're safe now.

Ben: Please write it in cursive, it raises a lot of red fl-
Ron: No.

Why? Was there something inside the stupid ball?


It's f*cking milk.


Ron: Terry, what has Leslie been up to?
Terry: Oh getting ready for big press conference!
Ben: Terry come on!

You have to tell me because you legally bound yourself to me inmarriage!


Parks & Rec Quotes

Leslie: I know you're not gay.
Tom: No, I'm not.
Leslie: But you're effeminate.
Tom: What?
Leslie: Well, you're wearing a peach shirt with a coiled snake on it.
Tom: That's because it was featured in Details magazine, and it's awesome.

Look, Tammy and I don't work. We are oil and water. Or oil and TNT and C4 and a detonator and a butane torch.
