Forget what he did to us - think about what he did to mom.


You've seen me do yoga - please don't make me look any sillier than I already do.


I'm a big fan of tradition but, what if the sex isn't great or even good? You need to find that out before you even marry Raj.


Nothing says commitment like feeding shellfish to another human in public.


Evan: Let the record show that you were wrong.
Hank: The record will reflect that.

We're not going to let him drive with a concussion - right, doctor?


Looks at this my sons! One's a doctor, one's a businessman.

Eddie R

Jill: So how does pizza and a shower sound?
Hank: Like the crust would get soggy.

No smoking, no drinking, alone in bed...I'm a disgrace to France.


Hank: Ok, look, even if she's pregnant it doesn't mean she's cheating on you.
Tucker: Well, it does if we have never slept together.
Hank: Ohh! Yeah, it kinda does.

I'd rather take the heat for being with the right guy than play by the book with the wrong one.


Divya: I feel useless out here. Is that what it's like to be you?
Evan: Do you treat patients with that bedside manner?

Royal Pains Quotes

Yeah, dude. Don't punk the crackberry. She'll light your ass up like a Christmas tree.


Note to self, become a doctor.
