Jill: Guess you can be both.
Hank: Both?
Jill: Concierge doctor to the rich, and an on-call doctor to the rest of us. Robin Hood of medicine.
Hank: As long as no tights are involved.

(to Hank) You're younger than I imagined. Most concierge doctors around here are on their third wives and last legs.

Marshall Bryant

Hank: Look, if you like her [Tess], then ask her out.
Evan: Did she tell you to tell me that?
Hank: Yes, by my locker, before homeroom.

Hank: Relax, I wasn't making a move.
Evan: 'Making a move?' You actually just said that?
Hank: I've been out of the game.
Evan: For how long, since the sinking of the Lusitania?

Hank: Who is that guy Jill's talking to?
Evan: Not you.

Evan: So we agree to disagree?
Hank: Like we always do.

Hank: What's with the Johnny Cash fashion tribute?
Evan: I'm in mourning.

Sometimes you have to meet family half-way, even if you don't know where their coming from.


Trying to get rid of this room seems way the hell more crazy than just trying to stay away from it.


Spencer: Welcome to my fathers office.
Divya: It's very homey.

You're more than a genius man.


Quid pro quo you deserve better from me.


Royal Pains Quotes

Yeah, dude. Don't punk the crackberry. She'll light your ass up like a Christmas tree.


Note to self, become a doctor.
