Dr. Cox: Enjoy. I didn't cut the hand off - I used a different puppet for that.
Dr. Norris: Well, if you want, you could give that one to me and I could fix it. And have it... for the kids.

J.D.: S-sh-I don't care, Sean! Come on, Turk!
Turk: Hey. I just wanted you to know I don't have a problem with you, I just can't resist a good storm-off.
Sean: Oh, who can?

Dr. Cox: You have kids?
Dr. Norris: One. She hates dolls.
Dr. Cox: Boy, that's a bummer.
Dr. Norris: Tell me about it.

Elliot: And... the reason that I came back here is because you said that Bruce and I are alike. And you know what? You're right. Because you're treating him the exact same way you treated me when I first got here! Dr. Kelso, you only judge us by these, like, twenty-minute, pressure-filled windows that you see us through twice a week, and you-you never get to know us or how hard we really work. Because, if you did, you'd realize that a lot of the times we fail, it's not our fault - it's yours.
Dr. Kelso: Is that how you feel, future dentist?
Bruce: W-well... sometimes you make me feel like... I can't do anything well, and I can do lots of things well!
Dr. Kelso: Like what?
Bruce: I'm a pretty solid human beat-box.
Elliot: Bru-Bruce, I think he was talking about medical... things.

Bruce performs a beatboxing routine
Elliot: Oh, my God, Bruce! That was amazing! Where did you learn how to do that?
Bruce: In temple.

J.D.: Hey, Sean, you were right about me and my interns. I guess I owe you an apology.
Carla: Damn straight, you do! You know what your problem is, Bambi? You're-
Turk picks her up and carries her off.
Carla: Oh! Turk! Please? Just one more second? I need the rush! Please? I'm coming back for you!

Sean: J.D., it's no big deal. We both know that it wasn't about that. Well, you... you like Elliot.
J.D.: Sorry.
Sean: Don't sweat it.
J.D.: You're not pissed off? I'd be pissed off. Why aren't you pissed off?
Sean: I dunno. I guess I just... I don't see you as that much of a threat.
J.D.: Ohh... Cool.

Elliot: Dr. Cox, does this shade of red make me look like a clown?
Dr. Cox: No, barbie, no...it makes you look like a prostitute who caters exclusively to clowns.

Turk: All right, fine, man! I can have plenty of deep moments with The Todd!
Todd: You think gay dudes get turned on by their own wieners?

Carla: Who left this urine here?
Dr. Cox: Someone's got a secret admirer!
Carla: Dr. Kelso? Someone left this urine specimen sitting around. What's interesting is that the name tag's been ripped right off.
Dr. Kelso: Sweetheart, I think you're confusing interesting with boring.

Turk: You know, I'm actually starting to like Journey.
J.D.: Well you're gonna be very pleased with the next twenty-three songs.

Turk: Okay, Um... Ever since Carla and I set the date for the wedding, I started thinking. You know those lame-ass couples that get engaged but they never actually get married - they just cruise along, year after year, without making any real kind of commitment?
J.D.: Uh-huh?
Turk: Dude, I wanted to be one of those couples, man!

Scrubs Season 3 Quotes

Oh, so you're going to sock me again. Good God, Perry, at a certain point you're just beating up an old man.

Dr. Kelso

Now, I would've never figured it out unless you guys had done the leg work. You four deserve all the credit, really... Mrs. Farr, Dr. Cox has saved the day! Don't ya just love it?

Dr. Cox