Denise: I think that's how my nose got bent. Who knows? Nose knows. I love words, don't you love words?
Dr. Cox: I like "strangle".

J.D.: Do you ever get the feeling that our patients pretend to be sicker when we're around.
Elliot: Oh yeah, you know Mrs. Wilson back there, she made her spleen pretend to rupture, then she pretended to die.

Molly: I'm sorry, but I'm only attracted to damaged and dysfunctional people, and you're just too normal.
J.D.'s narration: Sometimes all it takes is a slamming hotty to make you dig down deep and discover who you really are.
J.D.: My emotional journey began when I walked in on my parents having sex in a position that my father would playfully describe as the jackhammer. I have a mentor that verbally abuses me at every chance he gets. And no matter how much I try, I cannot stop constantly narrating my life.
J.D.'s narration: At that very moment, I feared I had divulged too much.

J.D.: What are you doing?
Janitor: It's been four years. How do you not get how this works.

Denise: Docta, docta give me the news, I got a...
Dr. Cox: Yeah I'm not a big car singin' kinda guy.
Denise: Aww bad case of lovin' you, Per. Come on, where's the fun?

J.D.: If you bring sarcasm my way, baby, prepare to be stung.
Elliot: J.D....
J.D.: So's your face.
Elliot: That doesn't even make any sense.
J.D.: 'So's your face' always makes sense.
Carla: J.D., that's stupid.
J.D.: So's your face! Man, I am on fire, hello.

I think the easiest way to lose something is to want it too badly.


I'm narcissitic, I'm pessimistic, I'm obsessive, I'm insecure, and I am so afraid of intimacy that every one of my relationships is a journey of self sabatoge that inevitably end in a black vacuum of shattered expectations and despair.


Elliot: Oh... I can't believe she's leaving!
Turk: Hospital just lost its second-hottest employee.
Carla: Don't think you can drool all over her just because you rank me number one.
Turk: Baby, Nurse Tisdale's number one... You g-you gotta be single to be on the list.
Elliot: You actually rank the women of this hospital by their appearance?
J.D.: Calm down, Twelve.
Elliot: Yes, top twenty!

Turk: Yes, baby, Molly is attractive. But she doesn't hold a candle to my Puerto Rican princess!
Carla: For the last time, Turk: I'm Dominican.

Turk: Dude, now that I have adjusted your fuel valve, your scooter is going to fly!
J.D.: Speaking of things that are fly, I made out with Molly last night. I know that was kind of a lame segue, but I've been with you all morning and you've yet to use the words "make" or "out."

J.D.: I'm telling you, Turk. Olive oil.
Turk: Dude, just because it's good on salad doesn't mean it's good on your lips.

Scrubs Season 4 Quotes

Elliot: It's so strange feeling all alone when like a month ago I was part of this really tight group, you know?
Molly: Yeah. I had tons of friends at my old hospital.
Elliot: I gotta meet some new people.
Molly: Do you wanna, uh, get a cup of coffee tonight?
Elliot: Can't. I'm hitting the internet hard and going on a friend hunt!

Molly: So, where were we?
J.D.: Er... we weren't talking.
Molly: Was it 'cause of something you did? 'Cause I'm totally over it. I don't even remember what it was.
J.D.: No, I mean like, we've never talked.
Molly: How do I know your name then?
J.D.: You don't.
Molly: You're freaking me out Jimmy.
J.D.: It's Johnny.
J.D.'s thoughts: Why would you say Johnny? You hate Johnny.