Don't worry; sister is still taking very good care of me. She just loves to smack me in the face and tell me I'm worthless!

Indeed after watching this show, you'll know the timeless classic as if you've read the Cliff Notes themselves.

Malcolm McDowell

And as for you, Pip, my robot monkeys should take care of you!

Ms. Havisham

Pip: Righty-o. What are we going to play?
Estella: We're going to play a little game called, "Smack the Blond Boy In the Head With a Large Log."
Pip: Oh, yes! My sister and I play that game at home all the time!
Estella: Oh you stupid pathetic boy!
(Estella runs off)

Estella: This way, you pathetic squirt of vaginal discharge!............This way, you beef-witted shriveled-up monkey's penis!.............Up here, you gamy mass of baby vomit!
Pip: Eho. After you, miss.
Estella: I'm not going in there, you stupid puddle of a homeless man urine!

STOP your metal orange, you bastard! You never want a tablespoon of nigh'ingale droppin's, you me'al-poundin' fairy! And you! Why don't you get a job?! You're eight years old now!

Mrs. Joe

Ahhh...Dickens. The imagery of cobblestone streets, cragging London buildings, and nutmeg-filled Yorkshire puddings. Hello, I'm a British person.

Malcolm McDowell

And they all lived happily ever after, except for Pocket who died of Hepatitis B.


Oh what a gay time we shall have, and I do mean gay as in festive, not as in penetration of the bum.


Pip: Joe, do you know anything about girls?
Joe: Sure. They're those things with vaginas in them.
Pip: Yes, but do you know anything about them?

South Park Season 4 Episode 14 Quotes

My father died in a stamp collecting accident.

Broken-hearted man

Oh I'm so glad everything has worked out. Where are all my little bunnies that you borrowed then Pip?

Mr. Pocket