I love it Lisbon. The beautiful soul defense.


Jane: So you took the whole Santa revelation badly.
Lisbon: Crushed my heart like a cigarette.

Rigsby: Doctor say what the problem is?
Cho: Yeah. Getting hit by a car.

He's like you Kimball. He's all fierce on the outside and like a softy on the inside and he's got this squishy little face.


Deak: And you should have gone to jail you miserable sleazebag.
Jane: Well, nice to meet you too.

Trying to hide the truth chips away at your spirit.

Van Pelt

Grace: I shot and killed my last boyfriend. I'm not ready for a relationship yet.
Doc: OK. Raincheck?

Lovely to see you. Keep working that bum wing


Could have been worse. I could have married him.


When sharks stop swimming they drowned, right?


Just me and my demons and their not going to hurt you.


Jane: If Director Bertram wanted a CBi presence to jump off a cliff would you and your CBI presence jump off that cliff?
Lisbon: If there was overtime, sure.

The Mentalist Quotes

Lisbon: How are the kids?
Rigsby: Sticky mostly.

Jane: You look marginally rested.
Lisbon: I was hoping to actually get to REM sleep tonight.