Doctor: Peter is my favorite Jew.
Mindy: He's my favorite Jew as well.

I used my extensive knowledge of your sexual history and the plot of Mamma Mia and several thousand dollars of my savings to wrangle the four of your ex-boyfriends that I find the sexiest.


I want you to love me in the way that I can show on Instagram.

I was crying in the bathroom because I dropped my phone in the toilet again.

We should have been practicing for weeks, and instead I let him watch that OJ documentary.

I’m about to Mr. Robot this beeyotch.


The rehearsal dinner is amazing. I just had lasagna for the first time. Now I know what Garfield was on about.


Something more important than your mama... The woman who went to a junior high dance with you dressed up as ‘cousin Sirvi?'


I'll check that out, the minute I finish this tweet I'm reading.

I already have TV experience. I was featured on Sports Center when I fell off the second deck at a Braves game.


I'm so proud of Ben. It's like I'm a stage mom, but I can have sex with the kid.

Is there a warrant out for your arrest? No one will notice. All white guys look the same.

The Mindy Project Quotes

After four vodka sodas I realized, I had something to say.


Daniel Castellano, I'm the man that is going to take a person out of you. I don't take that responsibility lightly okay?
