Jeremy: The key Mindy is to find a man who you are attracted to, but don't respect and can't see a future with.
Mindy: Draco Malfoy.
Jeremy: Someone not fictitious.

Socks on a hard wood floor, recipe for disaster.


You are so wise. Why are you wasting your time in medicine? You should be a life coach on 'The Biggest Loser.'

Guys I dropped a Mike and Ike on the floor! I need all eyes on this.


Carl: Dennis a sweater vest. You're dressing very metrosexual. Do you know that word Mindy?
Mindy: Yeah I remember it.

How much for that sea much for this flightless bird?


Cliff: Do you really need to tan?
Mindy: Babe this is the palest I've ever been. I'm basically a white person. Yesterday I caught myself watching lacrosse, and I liked it.

It's afterhours, there's different rules.


Okay I have no office, I have no patients, I have this horrible short haircut, my name is not Dr. L anymore and I have a UTI from discount whipped cream.

Mindy: Oh my god Casey!
Casey: What?
Mindy: Your penis just knocked off my glasses!
Casey: Sorry, that's tent living you know?

After four vodka sodas I realized, I had something to say.

I'm all for lonely people making connections, but this is the doctor's lounge not the wooded area behind the highway rest stop.


The Mindy Project Quotes

After four vodka sodas I realized, I had something to say.


Daniel Castellano, I'm the man that is going to take a person out of you. I don't take that responsibility lightly okay?
