Ryan I've always had your best interest at heart, and I've never asked for anything in return...except for a bunch of stuff.

After I'm gone I don't want you and Bear fighting over my shit...or any of my other stuff.

Wilfred: Ignorance is 9/10 of the law.
Ryan: That's possession.
Wilfred: She wasn't charged with possession Ryan. I thought you were a good lawyer.

Come on Ryan! These are big existential questions, best left for boring Russian novelists and teenagers on acid. Real people don't think about this shit!

Jenna's not a meat-lover's pizza I can have delivered in 30 minutes or less. Hey! You know what sounds good right now? Chinese.

I don't know what you're up to Ryan, but I've got my nose and ears on you...and my eyes too, I guess, but frankly my vision's pretty shitty.

Mr. Patel: Do you like seeing dead, decaying animals where ever you go?
Wilfred: Holy shit! Is this India place real?

I hope you're proud of yourself Ryan. I'm gonna be up all night licking Jenna's tears. Do you know what all that sodium's gonna do to my blood pressure?

You're not me. You're a good person. And you're a person.

Now you'll know what to do if anything happens to me.

I know why you're here now, to stop me from slipping down that slope. Please Wilfred, I need you to pull me back up.


Ryan: Get off.
Wilfred: I'm trying to!

Wilfred Quotes

Ryan: I thought it would make me sound Effete.
Wilfred: So does saying the word "effete."

Ryan: Get off.
Wilfred: I'm trying to!