Mr. McNair's Computer: Why does he call you a girl's name?
J.D.: Thank you for asking Mr. McNair. You see the thing about Dr. Cox is that the closer he feels to a person, the more he needs to push them away. So when he calls me Eva he is actually saying "J.D., I care about you". Vulnerable people like Dr. Cox-
Mr. McNair's Computer: Oh my God! I get it now, Carol! Carol! Carol! Carol!
J.D.: Now you are being a jerk. Jerk! Jerk! Jerk! Jerk!
Dr. Cox: Newbie! I'm relatively certain that the computer is broken.
J.D.: Oh, my bad.

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J.D., Perry Cox
Scrubs Season 5 Episode 19: "His Story III"
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J.D. Quotes, Perry Cox Quotes, Scrubs Season 5 Episode 19 Quotes, Scrubs Quotes
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Scrubs Season 5 Episode 19 Quotes

Janitor's narration: Quick, help him up, so he thinks there's hope for our relationship yet. (Helps J.D. get up and narration is transferred back to J.D.)
J.D.'s narration: Even though I had just spent the day locked in a water tower courtesy of the Janitor, as he helped me up, I couldn't help thinking that there was hope for our relationship yet.

Nurse walks into patients room
Nurse: Knock Knock!
Janitor's Narration: Who's there? Nurse Mop-head! Nurse Mop-head who?...You have a Mop-head!