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Phyllis Paul, the victim, is found decomposing in the dumpster behind a taxidermy shop with the rotting corpses of animals. Phyllis was unsuccessful as a professional golfer but found her calling competing as a Lumber Jack, or Lumber Jill, as the female version is called, much to her girlfriend, Nancy Alpert’s dismay. 

Phyllis was strangled and then cut up with a chainsaw. Booth and Brennan question Helga, her closes competitor. It turns out that Helga’s husband was trying to sabotage Phyllis but he didn’t kill her. Little did he know that Helga and Phyllis were having an affair and planning to get married. 

Nancy finds out that Phyllis bought a 4-carat diamond ring for Helga and tries to attack her, but Booth arrests Nancy. Nancy is furious, but since she just found out about the affair, she isn’t the killer. 

Hodgins and Rodolfo have fun testing multiple chainsaws to try and find the killer, and realize that the chain on the saw broke when it was being used on the victim. 

It turns out that Jack, the guy who owns the FlapJack food truck at the Lumbar Jack competition killed Phyllis. The two of them had a feud and she had called the health department on him. They were going to make him buy a new truck. When he saw Phyllis with the ring, he killed her and sold it to pay for the new truck. 

Hodgins does his own investigation to try and prove Zach’s innocence. When he uncovers microbial evidence, Cam considers it such a long shot that she questions whether Hodgins planted it there to save his friend. 

Booth and Brennan debate over who should teach Christine how to ride a bike and have their own log rolling contest to help them decide. 



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Bones Season 12 Episode 6 Quotes

You'd think after 12 years you could handle a little viscera with your oatmeal.


Booth: Don't you think it's good to not know how something works? C'mon, science takes the magic out of everything.
Brennan: It's not magic to begin with, it's just rules that govern the universe.