Clashing with Crisis Prevention - Chicago PD
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Voight thinks about what happened to Ruzek six months earlier.

There is some training happening at the station with crisis prevention.

Hailey is moving out of the apartment and has divorce papers.

Trudy is hounding Voight about him needing another person on the team to fill Ruzek's spot. Ruzek is still trying to get back in shape to past his fitness exams to return back.

Torres is on furlough taking care of his mother.

Hailey is with the Crisis Prevention team. They get called to help a young man who seems mentally unstable banging on a door.

Hailey notices that the man has blood on his shoes and chest and she sees blood inside the house. While trying to restrain him the guy fights back and she and the guy go through the glass.

Hailey goes inside and follows a trail of blood. Blood is everywhere and it clearly suggests that there are possible bodies. There is also a strong gas smell.

Hailey finds two people who have been beaten, one to death, and the woman is still breathing, and there is fire in the room.

Hailey has to do everything she can to get out before she is engulfed in flames. She gets the woman out with her.

Hailey has the guy arrested. They look into Cam and he has a juvie record and history of being in mental health facilities.

Hailey feels that Cam did it and pressures and pushes him hard in the interrogation room trying to get him to confess until she's interrupted. Dr. Mitchel from the Crime Prevention Unit called Cam a lawyer because he's mentally had an episode.

Cam is getting released from the hospital early because they're overcrowded, and he fired his lawyer. Hailey goes to him to apologize and wants his help catching his brother.

Cam agrees to help. But when they survey the park, Cam warns his brother. They have to track him and his brother down and Derrick holes himself and Cam up in a buiolding after firing at Hailey.

Hailey calls Dr. Mitchell in to talk things down. Mitchell manages to get Cam out of the room but Derrick ends up killing himself when Hailey tries to arrest him.

Atwater tries to check in on Hailey and help her with paperwork and help her unwind with drinks later.

Voight stops by Hailey's messy apartment that she hasn't fully moved into yet even though its been six months to talk to her. She's upset at herself for what she did on the case and admits she's been angry but not at Jay. She asks him what she should do because she doesn't know what to do.

He tells her he doesn't know.

Chicago PD
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Chicago PD Season 11 Episode 1 Quotes

It's Cam's brother. He's our offender. I think I got it wrong.


Voight: Did Jay sign the divorce papers?
Hailey: What?
Voight: Hailey, you had them on your desk. Are you okay?