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Chicago PD stumbled on a re-homing scam that sold children adopted from foreign countries online.

While trying to take down a meth lab, Intelligence stumbled upon a shed where three children were being held captive. 

Two of the children were dead; toxicology reports indicated that they drank the water, which was contaminated by waste.

The third child, Quan, was the only lead. 

He told a translator that he came to the states six weeks prior after being adopted by the Smiths. 

A few days ago, he was given away to another white couple, who gave him away to a man, who locked him in a shed. 

Intelligence finds Quan's family and the wife confesses to giving Quan away while her husband was on a business trip. 

She explains that the child was "difficult" and she was scared he would hurt her twin girls.

Turns out, the process of re-homing is completely legal in Illinois for foreign adoptees. 

Burgess and Atwater pose as a couple looking to give their child away to lure in the couple known as the Marsden's.

The Marsden's get spooked during the meeting but Intelligence follows them to their trailer home, where gunshots erupt. 

They run inside to find Quan's father wanting answers. 

The Marsden's are convinced they are working for an ICE agent named Clyde Harris who is investigating child trafficking.

Obviously, no one believes their but they lead them to the real brains behind the operation, Clyde. 

Clyde is a 50-year-old male who sells the children on the dark web. 

With Voight's money, they are able to place a winning bid on one of the children and get the location for a meetup. 

When the first trade is made, Voight shoots one of the buyers in the head after he threatens to kill one of the children.

They take Clyde in and Voight convinces him to write a statement or else suffer at the hands of the inmates at Cook County.

He notices Antonio is constantly on his phone so he finally confronts him about his secret meetings with Woods and State's Attorney Potter. 

Antonio is pissed that Voight's been spying on him. He admits that both Woods and Potter suspect he was involved in Lopez's murder but promises he never ratted him out. 

At that point, it is too late because the trust that they had has been broken. 

Meanwhile, Atwater has been living in fear ever since his brother testified. 

His sister, Vinessa, comes home crying after she was attacked in an alley.

The group of boys threatened to rape her because her brother is a snitch. 

Atwater is furious but not as furious as Jordan who sneaks off to get revenge. 

Atwater interferes just in time, stopping him from a mistake that would cost him his life. 

He ultimately decides to "re-home" his siblings with their aunt in Houston.


Chicago PD
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Chicago PD Season 5 Episode 5 Quotes

I ain't give a damn about being a role model. I ain't ask for this.


You and I might disagree on certain things but I don't do business like that. Never have.
