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Who is going down for the murder of Kevin Bingham?

Ruzek gets a tip that the DA is summoning a grand jury and putting Olinsky on the stand. 

Voight feels the pressure, but Olinsky assures him that they won't have enough evidence and it will all blow over; that going with the flow is their best course of action.

However, when people that owe Hank favors start ignoring his calls and telling Ruzek that he's in over his head, he begins to worry. 

He pays the prosecutor, James Osha, a visit and finds Woods inserting himself there too. 

Woods taunts Voight telling him that Olinsky is collateral damage and that he should turn himself in. 

Despite all of that, Voight stays focused on the case of the week which involves a young girl from his past named Hannah, who comes to him for help. 

They meet at a diner, but Hannah is very cryptic about what her troubles are.

She feeds him some lie about needing to go to the bathroom before ordering breakfast and then makes a break for it with some dudes who later rob a few currency exchanges and leave behind a trail of bodies. 

They're able to track down Hannah's "roommate" who tells them one of the guys, Mike, is Hannah's boyfriend. She's only involved because she's in love with him. 

Intelligence finds them at a dealership together, where they lock themselves inside in a hostage situation. 

Voight enters in hopes of talking them down from doing anything drastic but it's useless; Mike convinces Hannah to run out with him and they are shot down by a sea of cops almost immediately. 

Voight reveals that Hannah was someone he looked out for regularly up until Justin's death. She was special because she was hie late wife's favorite student. 

Chicago PD
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Chicago PD Season 5 Episode 20 Quotes

You know, Chief Lugo just told me to call. But I figured I shouldn't waste an opportunity to come by here while I still can. Because pretty soon you and Al are gonna be, uh, tied up.


Addie: But I'm not doing anything.
Voight: You're getting your friend killed.