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The episode kicks off with a press conference led by Superintendent Samantha Miller, who informs the media that they are holding police accountable for their actions. 

Voight responds to a call about a man that has been shot by his rideshare driver. 

Ben informs him that the driver took off with his wife. 

Intelligence realizes that Ben and his wife got into a car posing as a rideshare. 

They find the car torched and locate a building where they find Ben's wife murdered. 

She was raped and strangled. 

They identify Caleb Hoff, a man who recently sued the city for a large sum of money for wrongful arrest. 

Ben correctly ID's him.

Upton and Voight talk to the detective, Lisa Martinez, who used force to get some insight on Hoff. 

She explains that he's done this to several women, but she always struggled to put him behind bars because she had no real proof. 

A call comes through to 9-1-1 from another woman who was abducted by her rideshare driver. 

The stolen car is found burned, and again, her body is found in an abandoned warehouse. 

Intelligence locates Hoff's friend, Kenny, a dealer who is working with him. 

They ambush him at home, but when he refuses to speak, Voight and Ruzek stick around to rough him up despite objections from Halstead. 

However, when it comes down to it, Voight plays it by the book. 

They arrest him for the meth as Voight unleashes his anger at his red pickup truck. 

They continue tracking Hoff and realize he's going to another abandoned warehouse belonging to his uncle's business. 

Voight arrives on the scene first. He attempts to wait for backup, but when he sees Martinez on the scene, he runs out.

Hoff shoots at the police.

As Hoff tries to escape, he falls and injures his leg.

Voight orders Martinez to disappear because it's not worth putting her career in more jeopardy.

They arrest Hoff.

Samantha Miller questions whether Martinez was on the scene, but Voight informs her that it doesn't matter because they nailed the monster. 

Martinez and Voight share a drink. 

Chicago PD
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Chicago PD Season 8 Episode 12 Quotes

Superintendent Miller: We need more evidence, we need to make sure the case is airtight, or this prick is gonna sue us again.
Voight: Can you believe this? We're tiptoeing around a serial rapist and killer trying to make sure we don't offend him.

Voight: Bring him in.
Man: I didn't do anything.
Voight: Then you've got nothing to worry about.