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This story had to do with Ted being a jerk. He wants to bang Tiffany. Ted borrows Barney’s pig as bait to get her in the sack.  When Tiffany gets to Ted’s house she tells him that she has a boyfriend. The gang tells Ted that she now has him on her hook.

Ted believes that Tiffany is really interested in him. The whole gang shares stories about being on the hook and being the hookee. Lily tells the story of her ex-boyfriend Scooter and how he still is on her hook. He even got a job at her school’s cafeteria just to be closer to her so that maybe one day they will be together.

Marshall does not approve of this so he coaches Lily on telling Scooter the truth. Finally, after numerous hours of practicing, Lily is ready. They both go to the cafeteria and Lily tells him the truth. Marshall is overcome with emotions and tells Scooter to hang in there – he is not going to live forever.

Ted forgets to mention to Barney that Tiffany is a pharmaceuticals sales rep.  Barney goes crazy when he finds out because pharmaceutical reps are the hottest profession for women.  He is overcome with joy because he has already landed three of them.

The gang tries to tell Ted that his friend Henrietta is on Ted’s hook.  He doesn’t see it and wants to prove that they are just friends by hanging out with her. Future Ted calls himself a jerk because he gets a call from Tiffany and rushes out to be with her.

Ted goes to the wedding only to be out shafted by Tiffany’s ex-boyfriend.  At this moment Ted realizes that Tiffany was on this guys hook. The whole situation is a vicious cycle.  He breaks it off with Tiffany and frees himself from her hook.

Later that night, Ted goes to Henrietta’s house to tell her the truth. When he gets there, she thinks that he is proposing to her. Henrietta brings out her parents and they are all about to celebrate, when Ted has to awkwardly tell her the truth.
Back at home, Ted gets Robin to admit to her hooked guy that there is no possible way for a future with them – after he finishes washing her delicates.

How I Met Your Mother
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How I Met Your Mother Season 5 Episode 16 Quotes

I don't want to loose you, big brown eyes.


Yes you can borrow my tea cup pig.
