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The family waited in the hospital for news on Monica, but their hopes for her survival were dashed when they learned that she had passed away. 

Fiona broke the news to Frank, who was a broken man. He did not know what his next move was. Fiona tried to plan the funeral, but was shocked by just how expensive a funeral costs. 

She got in contact with Monica's father, who showed up at the Gallagher home and attacked Frank. He blamed Frank for the way Monica acted, but Frank revealed Monica was in trouble when he first met her. 

This was the first time the rest of the family had heard about it. Her father revealed he was paying for the funeral and that the cost was not an issue. 

The Gallaghers got wind of Monica leaving something for them, and went to a storage unit with Frank. They found $70,000 worse of meth. They were divided over what to do with it, but Debbie hid it, causing Frank to hit her. 

The family restrained Frank and sent him on his way. Fiona tried again to make him understand that Monica did not love him, she used him. 

At the funeral, Sierra went to comfort Lip and their relationship seemed to flourish afterwards, while Ian tried to return to Trevor, who was not impressed with his actions. 

Carl returned home and made his family breakfast, before spraying a tag for Monica on a wall, while sharing a beer with Frank. 

Fiona bought the building, while Debbie pressed on with her plan to become a welder. Lip took up knitting in place of alcohol. 

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Shameless Season 7 Episode 12 Quotes

This is not a dictatorship. This is America. Give me liberty, or give me meth.


Funeral Director: Have you had a chance to consider what sort of arrangements you'd like to make for your loved one?
Fiona: Yeah, how do we get her into the ground as soon as possible?