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Fiona goes to the building to have a shower because Debbie takes so long. 

She dances about the building, but is shocked to find that Ford watched all of it. 

He asks her to go and view architecture with him, and she agrees. They have a great day and she tries to kiss him, but he basically calls her complicated. 

Fiona later finds out that Ford has been giving his sperm to the same-sex couples of the Southside and Nessa and her girlfriend are both pregnant with his baby. 

Lip takes Debbie to the hospital to find out if she's really pregnant and he bumps into Charlie who has a woman with him. Charlie admits the kid is his, but says that they had sex while he was away from Sierra. 

Lip goes to tell Sierra but is shocked to learn that her murderous father could be getting out of prison and he could murder her. 

Sierra learns that Lip is arguing with Charlie and tells him to get it together because she has too much on her plate. 

Carl persistently steals Fiona's car to try and run an Uber pool business, but his girlfriend gives him a handjob while he drives and he gets in trouble from a client. 

Ian and Elliot try to save teens from a conversion church, and Ian is put on the spot when he gets ready to attack the man. 

Kev continues to do the opposite of what Svetlana tells him and it gets V excited. 

Frank's mission to take people to Canada works and he buys a van for future missions. 

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Shameless Season 8 Episode 8 Quotes

This poor child couldn't help himself once the devil got inside of him. Sum 1013 says, "I will not look with approval on anything that is vile." I hate what faithless people do, I will have no part of it.


Until America can distinguish between good brown people and bad brown people, it's my goal to get you into America.
