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Frank and Fiona engaged in a bitter battle to have their presidential candidate win the votes in the South Side. 

Fiona offered up free things at Patsy's to people who voted, and Frank continued to try and steal as much money from people as possible. 

After the two warring factions met up for a huge fight, Mo White secured the win, becoming the candidate, and shocking the entire south side. 

Meanwhile, Debbie continued to question her feelings and decided that the best thing to do was to move in with Alex. 

But alarm bells started to ring for Alex when she realized that Debbie liked male genitalia more than female, and cut her off. 

Debbie was confused, but learned that Alex had various failed relationships with females who were really straight. 

Elsewhere, Ian continued to try and leave the Church of Gay Jesus behind, but a rogue group tried to kidnap him, leading him to a stunning realization about the future. 

Lip sold a bike he loved for $12,000 to pay Xan's mother to keep her under his care with him as the legal guardian. 

However, after witnessing the way they act with each other, he gives them the money and leaves them alone. 

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Shameless Season 9 Episode 4 Quotes

Lip: No.
Liam: I'm not feeling so good. I think I'm coming down with something.
Lip: Buddy, it's not happening. You're going to school. Go.
Liam: It's a waste of time. I'm not learning anything. Could you just homeschool me?

Lip: Hey, Carl. How much longer are those dogs going to be dying down there?
Carl: It's in God's hands now.
Lip: Well, tell God to hurry the fuck up, alright? The whole house stinks.
Carl: I'm providing an essential service for below the poverty line animal lovers while racking up on community service hours for my Westpoint application.