The Simpsons Review: The Return of Angry Dad

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As a long-time Simpsons fan, I'm always a sucker for an episode bringing in old references. Angry Dad? Bart's comic book that was turned into an Internet cartoon nearly nine years ago? That's pretty obscure and definitely one for the loyal followers.

Ricky Gervais on The Simpsons

Unfortunately, when Angry Dad gets turned into "Angry Dad: The Movie," it turns the The Simpsons into a fairly mediocre awards show parody, complete with mediocre guest voices by Russell Brand, Ricky Gervais, and Halle Berry.

That's not to say I didn't enjoy the episode. The visual gags were spot on. Every clip from the various shorts during the award shows were all amazingly done.

It's just the rest of the award shows that were so... blah. Outside of Gervais' taking back his ten or his dialogue with Ridley Scott's stand-in post credits, none of the voice actors made me laugh.

There was much more potential for an episode featuring two incredibly funny men, Brand and Gervais.  And, well, Berry is hot. Not sure how that helps a cartoon, but it's a fact.

For such a strong season, I had higher expectations for last night's episode than it delivered.  Though as I sit on my Aeron chair writing this review, I must say I also do approve of the Herman Miller and Dot Com parody. While I'm throwing out compliments, the Polanski joke was also pretty solid.

Speaking of which, we'll end our review with some of our favorite Simpsons quotes from the episode:

Herman Millwood: Is Bart Simpson here? Because I'm about to make him and his family very wealthy
Homer: Wealthy? Remember the guy that drove you to school that one time? | permalink
Homer: And I'd like to thank the women who's been inspiring me for the last 25 years... the cute one from The Bangles. | permalink
Red Carpet Interviewer: And Lisa, who are you wearing?
Lisa: I believe it's from Lamps Plus. | permalink

Angry Dad: The Movie Review

Editor Rating: 3.0 / 5.0
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User Rating:

Rating: 3.9 / 5.0 (19 Votes)

Eric Hochberger is the programmer of TV Fanatic, so please forgive his mediocre writing. His programming is far better. Follow him on Twitter and/or email him. Just don't request threaded comments. They're coming.

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The Simpsons Season 22 Episode 14 Quotes

Don't feel bad boy. Everyone makes mistakes. Yours is just public and expensive.


Herman Millwood: Is Bart Simpson here? Because I'm about to make him and his family very wealthy
Homer: Wealthy? Remember the guy that drove you to school that one time?