Chicago Fire Season 4 Episode 4 Review: Your Day Is Coming

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Sadly, Dawson's pregnancy did not last long, but at least Dawson herself pulled through. 

Chicago Fire Season 4 Episode 4 gave us some pretty intense moments along with some incredibly touching ones. 

Even Captain Patterson is beginning to realize that this house is a family, and they band together in a crisis. 

So, does that mean Captain Patterson isn't as bad as we thought? Is there potential for him to redeem himself? I have a feeling we'll find out very soon where his priorities truly lie. 

As sad as it was, Dawson losing the baby was not surprising. I guessed last season that something like this would happen. Babies tend to be show killers, and there really was no easy way to introduce one into this series. Dawson worked too hard to become a firefighter to keep her in arson for long. 

I'm not really sure why they included the possibility that she had neurological damage or memory loss. I guess it was to add more drama, but we all knew she would be fine. They didn't even let the possibility linger long enough for us to really worry. Maybe if they had ended the episode with that I could understand it. 

It was great to see Severide step up and throw himself into solving the mystery of the missing files. I think we all knew it was Duffy, but it was still hard to see Severide come to that realization. It makes me wonder how long Duffy was sitting on that bridge before Severide got there. Maybe he waited for him because deep down he wanted to be saved. 

I hope that's not the last we see of Duffy. 

Severide really is so great with kids, isn't he? We've seen it plenty of times, and it never gets old. That card made both his day and the kid's at the same time, and the whole thing was incredibly sweet. 

Speaking of incredibly sweet, Hermann's speech to Dawson was absolutely perfect. As Brett said, he knew exactly what she needed to hear. It has to give her some sense of hope knowing that Hermann and Cindy went through a miscarriage and still ended up with five kids. 

But, Casey knew just what to say too. He may really want kids some day, but he wants Dawson more. This will be tough for them, but they'll get through it. 

Brett and Chili's case at the morgue served as the comic relief. Poor Lionel may be seriously contemplating quitting his job after that one. 

The Molly's story line was honestly pretty pointless. They built it up over multiple episodes and then conveniently ended it with some historical limestone. It was all really unnecessary other than to give Jimmy a chance to come through for Hermann. Personally, I'm glad that's over. Hopefully we don't see those neighbors again.

I do really like Jimmy, and I think he's an excellent addition to the cast. I also like the hint of a romance between him and Chili. There's something developing there. 

Are you sad we won't get to see the baby shower Chili was planning? Is there hope for Patterson? 

Don't forget, you can watch Chicago Fire online any time! 

Chicago Fire Season 4 Episode 5 will be titled "Regarding this Wedding" and will air on Tuesday, November 10. 

Your Day Is Coming Review

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Rating: 5.0 / 5.0 (82 Votes)

Stacy Glanzman was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in March, 2019.

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Chicago Fire Season 4 Episode 4 Quotes

We broke into a shed up the block. We owe 3226 a padlock.


Casey: Will, do everything you can for the baby. If it comes down to a choice, you save my girl.
Will: Matt, truth time, when I'm in there she's the only one I'm trying to save.