Shameless Season 7 Episode 7 Review: You'll Never Ever Get a Chicken in Your Whole Entire Life

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Is Fiona making a bad decision with the laundromat?

It certainly seemed that way on Shameless Season 7 Episode 7 when a lot of issues popped up for her. Maybe she should have had everything checked out before getting Etta to sign on the dotted line. 

The most awkward thing about the laundromat was that Etta was yet to cash the check for the place. The poor woman probably had no idea that Fiona was buying it. 

The Cost - Shameless

The way Fiona went about getting the place was pretty unethical. Etta should have had someone speaking on her behalf to make sure she was not getting fleeced by Fiona. 

I lost a lot of respect for Fiona when she made the decision to dip into the funds at Patsy's. That's not her money to meddle with and I can't believe she felt the need to go full steam ahead and break the law. 

Breaking the law got her in jail on Shameless Season 4 and I'm scared Fiona is going to go back off the rails if the laundromat falls through. It definitely seems like there are more negatives than positives right now for Fiona.

It's completely understandable that she wants to make a better life for herself, but she's definitely not going the right way about it. Margo's reveal that she wouldn't be able to succeed probably played a part in her deciding at the conclusion of the hour that she was going ahead with it. 

For now, it sure seems like Emmy Rossum's alter ego is going to find herself in trouble, but we'll need to stay tuned to find out just how ugly the whole situation gets for her. 

Meanwhile, Debbie has seriously turned into one of the rudest teenagers on television. I just can't get on board with what she's doing to Neil. She's only with him as a matter of convenience and it sucks that she thinks she can push Sierra to the side. 

It was obvious Debbie was under a lot of stress, but it didn't mean she had to turn on everyone closest to her. It was only last week that she mended fences with Fiona and now she's most definitely created a bigger divide than ever before. What Debbie needs to understand is that all of her siblings have their own lives and can't drop everything for her. 

Somehow, I don't believe she passed the GED, or even took it. She can lie on demand and it was almost like she was telling Fiona what she knew she wanted to hear in order to get what she wanted. 

I know Sierra's dealing with some other stuff, but she should be more wary of Debbie's involvement with Neil. Neil is her brother and Debbie's taking him for a ride. I really never thought I'd like Sierra when she first appeared on the show, but she's beginning to be fleshed out and I can't wait to find out more about her. 

I never thought Lip would be able to have a genuine relationship with someone other than Mandy, but he and Sierra definitely have chemistry. Sierra thought Lip was going to be scared off by her baby daddy drama, but he was there for her when she needed him. 

This relationship won't stay casual for much longer. With Debbie and Carl out of the Gallagher home, there's a chance Sierra and Lucas could end up moving in. 

Lip has a lot to think about with his upcoming hearing, but he's best to try and make the best of a bad situation. He went crazy on Shameless Season 6, but it's clear he's more grounded in reality now. He just needs to cut the notion that he's better than everyone because he has part of a college education. 

Lip really had everything when he was in college, so if he does get back in, he can't screw it up again. It will be the difference whether he manages to move on from his past or not. 

"You'll Never Ever Get a Chicken in Your Whole Entire Life" was another solid episode of this Showtime drama. The show is continuing to put out solid episodes after all these years and I can't wait to see what's in store for the rest of the season. 

Other tidbits from the episode:

  • Frank helping Liam was not surprising. Liam is the only one who is yet to understand the severity of Frank's actions. Might Frank actually use this as an opportunity to forge a father/son bond with him? It would be a change for Frank, but there's still time for him to change his ways. 
  • Svetlana is a crazy person. She absolutely must have murdered Yvon. He was so clear about murdering the family if they tried to get rid of him. 
  • It's difficult to care about Ian and Trevor because we know that Mickey is on his way back to the South Side. 
  • Can Fiona and V return to being friends? I'm missing their chats about life. 

Remember you can watch Shameless online right here on TV Fanatic. Watch the full episode right here on TV Fanatic.

What did you think of the episode? Hit the comments!

Note: Shameless Season 7 Episode 8 airs November 20 on Showtime. 

You'll Never Ever Get a Chicken in Your Whole Entire Life Review

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Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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Shameless Season 7 Episode 7 Quotes

Lucas: I like my room.
Sierra: Yeah, me too.

Debbie: Are there guns in the house?
Lucas: I have a water gun.
Debbie: I mean a real gun, Lucas.