Quantico Season 2 Episode 21 Review: RAINBOW

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I really hope the government or the airline buys those people new phones.

On Quantico Season 2 Episode 21, the task force rallied together to stop a terrorist attack. Yay team!

They earned another win, but the battle is far from over.

Putting The Pieces Together - Quantico

This season, however, is just about done. There's one more episode left people, and yet, it doesn't feel like this fight is almost over.

There's a fear that there's no way the task force can convincingly defeat Roarke and the collaborators. 

It's something the task force has been trying to do for a while now, and every single time, they've been outmatched.

This 100-day time jump feels like a cheap way to have the task force come out with a secret weapon to take down Roarke and keep it a surprise from all of us.

Granted, I'm not psychic, so I don't know what the finale will bring.

But odds are that during those 100 days, the task force is going to devise their master plan to take down Roarke, and we're not really going to see any of the planning.

It's like how Sebastian gave the task force the rest of the names of the collaborators on Quantico Season 2 Episode 18.

After spending episodes trying to unmask the next collaborator, the victory of identifying them all was cheapened by Sebastian handing them everything they needed in like five seconds.

Hopefully, the finale delivers one hell of a punch because I miss Quantico putting me on the edge of my seat.

What are your hopes and fears for the finale?

In Hiding - Quantico Season 2 Episode 21

One thing this hour did really well was build up Roarke as a badass villain.

He really does think of everything, and you almost want to admire him for his skills.

The way he handled the task force stopping the terrorist attack was masterful. No matter what, he was going to win.

There doesn't even seem to be one scenario that would have worked out better for him.

Both would have achieved the same goal: uniting the nation and earning support his constitutional convention.

It's not easy getting an entire country to agree and rally behind something, especially a politician, and yet, Roarke accomplished that.

He's a fantastic villain, and it would have been nice to showcase his evil skills a bit more.

Breaking the law can be the right way. You have to not get caught. I've broken more federal laws than both of you combined, and I've faced zero consequences.


Okay, am I the only one not buying that Maxine left Clay because his mom wasn't president anymore? This does not make sense to me.

Perhaps it was that his mom's resignation brought up questions that Clay wouldn't answer, and that's what bothered Maxine.

Maxine and Clay were great together (aside from the problems that arose with Clay's fixation with the Shelby siren), and Maxine is freaking amazing.

She's been the best thing to come out of the Clay and Shelby drama.

Now, maybe there's more to the story than Clay shared, which considering he was talking to Shelby would make sens.

But it's annoying that after all the "don't let me fall into your arms" crap that now being with Shelby is a little bit more okay considering Clay's single.

Yeah, she still also slept with his father and his father, but you know what I mean.

What about you, are you loving that Clay and Shelby might get together or are you on Team Maxine? 

What did you think of the episode? Leave your thoughts and conspiracy theories in the comments below.

Remember you can watch Quantico online anytime via TV Fanatic.


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Quantico Season 2 Episode 21 Quotes

D-day that was so much fun the first time. I've already almost died twice this year, I'm not dying today.


If we can't count on Raina and Ryan, we find friends we can count on.
