Supernatural Season 13 Episode 15 Review: A Most Holy Man

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Historically, any episodes which start off with nuns never really ends well.

On Supernatural Season 13 Episode 15, I admit this was not one of my favorite episodes. I appreciated how they kept with the theme of trying to find a way to help save Mary and Jack, but the entire episode fell flat extremely quickly. 

Don't get me wrong; it started out very strong with Sam finding the lead on where they could get the blood of a holy man.

I was in total agreement with Dean about the internet – you really can find anything online if you look hard enough; though you have to wonder why they don't use the internet to find other hard to find objects.

Sam And Dean Talk - Supernatural Season 13 Episode 15

Having the internet search lead to an awkward flirtation between Sam, and Margaret was fantastic. Dean's expressions throughout the entire exchange were hilarious. It's usually Dean who gets his flirt on, but I was extremely pleased it was Sam this time around. He also gets credit for just going with it. 

Of course, the story of the week went downhill from there. Who would have thought they'd include the mob in this whole holy relic thing?

It seemed so out of left field, and I'm still incredibly confused by the entire thing. I understood why Scarpetti was stealing items, but it was still wildly perplexed why he was so obsessed with the skull. 

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I was almost expecting the skull to have some magical powers fro anyone who possessed it, but no, it was just a regular skull which just so happened to belong to a saint at one point. 

Show of hands, who else figured out Margaret was going to screw the guys over? It seemed was too good to be true for Margaret to be on Sam, and Dean's, side. This was a woman who made it no secret she dealt in holy relics; though it was a pretty genius idea to do a bidding of sorts with the skull. 

Dean Takes Charge - Supernatural Season 13 Episode 15

The only bright spot, in this rather bleak episode, was Father Camilleri. I could listen to him give words of wisdom to the guys all day. I loved what he was saying to Dean in the car. Even though we all know who God is, and we know he's currently away with his sister, Father Camilleri hit it on the head. 

Father Camilleri: God will see us through.
Dean: Yeah, he won't.
Father Camilleri: You're not a believer?
Dean: Oh, I believe. Hell, I know. God? He doesn't give a damn about you, or me, or anyone else. So if you're expecting some kind of miracle to happen, well, good luck.
Father Camilleri: I'm sorry. I didn't mean that God would reach down and protect us. Of course that's not going to happen, but I believe that all good things are God things. And what your brother's doing is a good thing.

It was also pretty clear Father Camilleri was going to be the one to donate some of his blood. The man told one of the guards he was a distraction because he didn't want to lie for goodness sakes. I'm pretty sure everyone figured out rather quickly he was going to turn out to be a very holy man even without the Pope's blessing. 

In the end, Father Camilleri was able to get his skull back after a very odd showdown between everyone. I know I've already said it, but it has to be said again, this entire episode was a real head-scratcher.

Related: Supernatural Season 13 Episode 15 Review: A Most Holy Man

I'm still really unsure why we had to go through so much just for the guys to realize the blood they needed was right in front of their face. 

It also seemed as though Dean may have been touched a little bit by what Father Camilleri was talking about. The world is not perfect, but if good men like the Winchester's continue to do good things, it can all get better. I've noticed the guys sometimes forget about all the good things they have done in the world to keep it safe. 

A Most Holy Man - Supernatural Season 13 Episode 15

Both of them have risked their lives, and they've literally died countless times, to help keep the apocalypse from happening. How can you not see the good in all they do?

Even when things are bleak, you have to have some faith. I just hope Dean isn't pretending to have faith, and he's opening his mind to another way of seeing things. 

Did anyone else's heart break just a little bit when Sam was asking if the guys would ever be able to really change things? It just made me have visions of the end of the road for Sam and Dean. So many moments throughout this particular season have almost felt like a goodbye of sorts and setting up the eventual finale for the show. 

Sam: You think we could every change things? I mean, really change things? You know, stop all the monsters, all the bad?
Dean: That would be nice.
Sam: Yeah. So what are you thinking? Think that'll work?
Dean: I have faith.

Now it's your turn to tell me what you think. 

Did you feel like this was an odd episode? Did you like the addition of Father Camilleri? Do you feel, at times, they are setting the show up for the final goodbye? Anything else you loved or hated? 

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Let me know in the comments below. 

Remember you can always relieve this episode again. Go watch Supernatural online now via TV Fanatic. Just remember to come back to let us know what you think. 

A Most Holy Man Review

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Samantha McAllister was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in November 2018.

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Supernatural Season 13 Episode 15 Quotes

The internet, you're not just for porn anymore.


Dean: What's the last ingredient of this spell we're never going to find?
Sam: Blood of a most holy man.