Wynonna Earp Season 3 Episode 7 Review: I Fall to Pieces

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On Wynonna Earp Season 3 Episode 7, our favorite gun-slinging, occasionally head-butting, women-forward dynamic duo Wynonna and Nicole are at it again -- yes, we're blessed with WynHaught-ness. And boy, it's worth it.

It's been a while since we've had a full-on WynHaught episode, and the last notable time was the one with Wynonna and Nicole at Pussy Willows.

An Errand Goes Wrong - Wynonna Earp

Waverly: Also… when was the last time you went home? Or ate?
Jeremy: Oh, that depends. What day is it?
Waverly: We’re gonna need to get you a falafel.

Now, the duo is back drinking and fighting together again (Did the writers take note of the crazy fan reaction to drunk Nicole? I think so.), but this time, literally tied together -- with chained handcuffs.

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This again captures the crux of true Wynonna Earp humor (take a shot every time Wynonna calls Nicole something other than her actual name) in the best of ways while still throwing in two very emotional scenes between Wynonna and Doc as well as Nicole and Nedley.

Nicole: Push with your legs!
Wynonna: Shut up with your mouth!

It shines by using a formula, which the show is not always known for doing, but makes up for it with its humor.

Nevertheless, by focusing on Wynonna and Nicole (with the understanding that there's plenty of time for Waverly, Doc, Jeremy, and the rest later, not to worry), we're indulged with a fully-fledged story that blossoms in all its hysterical and buddy comedy glory.

Nicole: You have no police training, you’re terrible with authority, you’re not even qualified to run a Chipotle!
Wynonna: Guaca-cuse me?

Supernatural Search - Wynonna Earp Season 3 Episode 7

We go in and we find tweedle-dee, tweedle-douche, we bring them out, 5 minutes tops, we get the keys, she’ll never notice, we’re good to go. Let’s go!


Waverly and Jeremy only act as supporting players this episode, which could have ultimately been fleshed out more, given that they all feed into WynHaught's story and it's not a Bulshar-centric story.

Similarly, Doc and Michelle's story only serves to set up future episodes and barely lingers onscreen. Still, despite past episodic madness, it's a joy to see a story like this play out onscreen.

It's also great to see the story truly honoring the loose ends that were not yet tied up -- including the Cult of Bulshar (featuring an extraordinarily emotional scene between Nedley and Nicole -- can Nedley stay on the show?), Bobo, and Wynonna's malfunctioning Peacemaker.

Smug Wynonna - Wynonna Earp Season 3 Episode 7

Rolf the revenant: I feel good. I feel strong.
Nicole: I feel college.

Being more or less a standalone episode isn't necessarily good or bad, but it allows for plenty more character development. Nicole declares her love for Waverly multiple times, while Doc shows his true nature.

It's ultimately very difficult to see where things are going with Michelle at this point, but based on her antics, we're probably in for some time featuring Julian. It's great to see his entrance hyped up, but here's hoping that it's nice and big.

Wynonna: Are we going to finally see your sex cave?
Nedley: Well, it’s more of a closet.

Bunny Loblaw is also a very fascinating character in a bizarre kind of way. As a very conservative and considerably racist and homophobic woman, she's a stark contrast to the rest of the accepting characters on this very queer-friendly show.

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In many ways, it's a harsh reminder of the real world, reminding viewers that Wynonna Earp does hypothetically take place in the real world.

Nevertheless, if she or other characters come back, it would be even more interesting to see the team face off against some non-supernatural enemies of their own civil rights.

Roadhouse Showdown - Wynonna Earp Season 3 Episode 7

You know what? You survived some shit, and I cannot wait for your TED talk, but get back to me when you're cursed.


The show also doesn't forget to include plenty of other real-life references. Nicole must actually campaign and be elected as sheriff, even if Nedley wants her to succeed him.

Wynonna and Nicole also call each other "Tessa and Scott" -- a very Canadian reference to the famed Olympic skating team, which was actually improvised during blocking by Melanie Scrofano and Kat Barrell (can we love Wynonna Earp folks any more?).

Nicole: I think this would be a good time to tell you that I am a lesbian.
Wynonna: Oh, like you never went through an experimental phase!
Nicole: Not with gnomes!
wynonna: well, that’s very narrow-minded, nicole! love is love!

What is lacking, though, in plot development, it makes up for with extremely strong structural content and a great pairing that we rarely get to see. Plus, there's plenty of dramatic content as well -- Wynonna and Doc's encounter is utterly heartbreaking.

Rolf the revenant: As much as I love a feel-good ending, this ain't it. Any last words?
Wynonna: I miss Macaulay Culkin.
Nicole: Tell Waverly I love her!
Wynonna: Sure, make me look like an asshole.

Right now, the show has almost a few too many characters to balance. Robin wasn't around at all, and Charlie and Kate were barely seen either -- and when they were, it was only to show Wynonna's departure from Doc.

Wine Mom - Wynonna Earp Season 3 Episode 7

That’s exactly how my first Grindr date ended. …I’ve said too much.


It'll be interesting to see where the story goes from here, or whether the core crew of Wynonna, Waverly, and Doc will turn into Wynonna, Waverly, and Nicole.

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With emotional times ahead and Michelle gone for now, Waverly can't turn to her mother and will no doubt turn to Nicole, while Wynonna will probably only be able to trust a bottle of alcohol.

Nedley: We confiscated their party bus this morning.
Nicole: Who party buses at 10 am?
Wynonna: The deeply committed.

The trailer for Wynonna Earp Season 3 made it out to be rather dark, but it's still seeming rather comedic. Nevertheless, past Bulshar content has been exceedingly grim, so here's to holding out for more horror.

Make sure to watch Wynonna Earp online and catch up on any episodes you've missed!

Do you think Wynonna will forgive Doc? What do you think is in store for the team next?

We want to hear you -- let us know in the comments below!

I Fall to Pieces Review

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Olivia Popp was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She left the site in September 2018.

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Wynonna Earp Season 3 Episode 7 Quotes

Waverly: Also… when was the last time you went home? Or ate?
Jeremy: Oh, that depends. What day is it?
Waverly: We’re gonna need to get you a falafel.

Nedley: We confiscated their party bus this morning.
Nicole: Who party buses at 10 am?
Wynonna: The deeply committed.