God Friended Me Season 2 Episode 18 Review: Almost Famous

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Are Miles, Cara, and Rakesh one step closer to finding out who is behind the God Account on God Friended Me Season 2 Episode 18?

All signs point in that direction. 

But if there's one thing I've learned about this series, it's that red herrings are aplenty.

A New Drug Trial - God Friended Me

Miles made it very clear that he's not going to let up on his quest for the truth, which is unfortunate for fans that have been dreading this storyline. You are going to have to buckle in and tag along for the ride. 

For most of the hour, Miles was focusing on his Friend Suggestion while Cara was making the big moves to contact Corey, the high ranking government official at DARPA, who they believe is involved. 

Miles: I think the God Account is trying to help Ali by sending Kylie as a Friend Suggestion.
Rakesh: Yeah, that makes sense. Fix Kylie’s problem and her mom can’t help but be grateful.

Cara was authoritative when she approached Marcia, Corey's mother, and demanded a sit down with her son. 

And when a special agent approached her, Cara showed that same resiliency. She wasn't intimidated and she didn't back down. Her perseverance eventually landed them a face-to-face meeting with Corey Smith. 

Cara and Rakesh Chase a Lead - God Friended Me Season 2 Episode 18

But is Corey the man Miles has been waiting to meet? Will he have the answers that Miles is looking for?

Before I continue, let me just say how exciting it was to see another Scandal face popping up on the series. Is Olivia Pope coming too? Because I'm ready. She would join Miles "God Squad" with her white hat in a minute! 

Also, "God Squad" is now the official name for Miles, Rakesh, Cara, and sometimes Ali. Write it down, remember it, cherish it. 

Realistically, the God Account's abilities can only be chalked up to a government agency that specializes in intelligence or something similar. 

Brainstorming Session - God Friended Me Season 2 Episode 18

I'd love to believe that this is really God's doing, but I can't see that happening. The blessings are the same regardless of who it is, but there has to be someone behind it who is executing the actions and suggestions. 

Though, how Corey fits into all of this remains hazy, and I can't wait to see what he has to say. 

I’m not going to do anything to risk that even if it means I don’t help my Friend Suggestion.


They jumped through enough hoops to get a chat with him, so it better have been worth it. His mother also tried to stop them from connecting with him when she visited Reverand Finer, but even he knew there was nothing he could say to make Miles and Cara back off. 

They were committed to the truth. When people are so determined to shut you up, it's probably because you're onto something. What does Corey have to hide? Why is everyone protecting him?

To Help or To Sit Back? - God Friended Me Season 2 Episode 18

Cara's "go get 'em" attitude may have had something to do with the guilt she was feeling over her new relationship. She so badly wanted to prove herself useful to Miles because she was, in a sense, buttering him up to tell him the truth about Adam.

Even without Cara addressing the relationship, Miles became suspicious of Adam on two accounts, which felt out of character because he's not the jealous type. 

Cara even explained that Adam was helping her with leads, so Miles' questioning indicated that he was picking up on some kind of vibes. 

Cara's been delaying telling him because she doesn't want to hurt him, but if she and Adam are already that serious and not just "seeing where it goes," then he deserves to know. 

The God Squad  - God Friended Me Season 2 Episode 18

It'll be weird for a little, but Miles is a grown man and was expecting her to move on at some point.

However, I think Miles is beginning to realize what we've all been commenting for the past few episodes -- he has the God Account all wrong. 

He was 99% sure that the God Account led him to Kylie and Tammy so that he could get Ali into the clinical trial and cure her cancer. 

When that didn't happen, it almost felt like the God Account was toying with him. And it emphasized that Miles' assumptions on the God Account weren't always on point. 

Messed Up with the Government  - God Friended Me Season 2 Episode 18

If he was wrong about the God Account being able to help Ali, he could definitely be wrong about the God Account telling him to forego love and walk this path alone, especially because as I've pointed out many times before, the God Account never made that request of him directly. 

Sadly, once Miles comes to that conclusion, it'll be too late as Cara is committing to Adam and assured him she was all in.

The overarching lesson here for both Cara and Miles is that doing the "good thing" and doing the "right thing" is often independent of each other.

Most of the time, you have to do what's right even if it's hard and it hurts. 

Two Exes Are Better Than One - God Friended Me Season 2 Episode 18

For Miles, it was helping Tammy. Having her as a Friend Suggestion and also connected to Ali's clinical drug trial was cruel because it gave him false hope.

More than anything, I think it was a test to see his dedication and if he was willing to jeopardize his sister's chances at the trial to help another person in the way that the God Account intended. 

Miles seemingly wouldn't have passed if it wasn't for Rakesh and Ali, who urged him to handle the Friend Suggestion as he normally would regardless of the outcome. 

The Friend Suggestion was unique and had plenty of suspenseful moments. 

What Are We Missing? - God Friended Me Season 2 Episode 18

My favorite thing about Tammy is that she reacted in a way that was authentic if a person claiming to be a "good samaritan" randomly came into your office to talk to you about your daughter and said they had nothing to gain from it 

Many times, the Friend Suggestions accept Miles' help without any protest and it doesn't seem believable. 

You better believe that if some stranger came to help me resolve my issues with my teenage daughter, I'd be skeptical. Or I'd think he was connected to the record label that was trying to manage her career. 

Arthur: Miles has been trying to figure out who is behind the God Account from the beginning. If he and Cara think Corey is behind it, they must have a good reason.
Marcia: So, you’re saying you won’t speak with them?
Arthur: No, I’m saying even if I did, it wouldn’t make any difference. Miles is not going to stop until he’s figured it out.

In retrospect, I probably should have picked up on Tammy's concern that Kylie would turn out just like Grace as foreshadowing that she was Grace's daughter, but the connection went way over my head until Trish coincidentally had a photo of a pregnant Grace and Tammy (who hadn't aged one bit). 

Friends Who Work Together  - God Friended Me Season 2 Episode 18

The Trish part was a bit of a stretch (and too convenient) for me even if she did know Grace from her time performing at The Blue Danube. 

Miles knew that he had to push Tammy to tell Grace the truth, and that became even more pressing when Alex threatened and blackmailed Tammy with her secret. 

And even if you don’t want me as your mother, you will never stop being my daughter.


While Tammy's desire to keep Grace from pursuing a music career was unfair to her because it didn't give her a chance to prove herself or that there is a way to be in the music industry without being pulled into the drug culture, it was a real concern. 

We've seen so many young artists lose their way and turn to drugs, alcohol, and other bad habits because it's so accessible and a coping mechanism.

Determined to Get Answers - God Friended Me Season 2 Episode 18

Still, acting out of a place of fear and not giving Kylie a chance to prove herself was only straining their once-perfect relationship. Keeping Kylie from pursuing her dreams would only make her resent Tammy. 

However, Tammy's concern over Alex being her manager was on the mark. 

Alex was what people in the industry call a snake. She didn't care about Grace or her wellbeing as much as she cared about signing her as an artist and capitalizing on her talent. She proved that by willingly trying to split up a family with emancipation paperwork and then by blackmailing Tammy. 

She was even trying to prey on Kylie, who was at her most vulnerable, to push her agenda and get the deal. 

Kylie needed to take control of her career simply so she wouldn't end up with someone like Alex calling the shots. 

Miles wasn't expecting Grace's reaction to be that riddled with anger, but he should have known that she wouldn't just accept and forgive her mother's actions since she was lied to and betrayed for her whole life. 

It was incredibly painful to watch this mother-daughter relationship fall apart after Tammy gave up her whole life to ensure that Grace had a good one. She put that baby girl above anything else and tried to shield and protect her for as long as she could. 

She dedicated her whole life to ensure Grace had a good one, that has to count for something. 

Best Buds - God Friended Me Season 2 Episode 18

And eventually, it did. When Kylie finally understood her mother's motivations, she was able to see she was a good and loving mother, and they started to mend the fractures.

I'm glad everything worked out for them in the end even if Miles' assistance couldn't get his sister into the drug trial. 

With Ali's cancer refusing the normal course of treatment and prior conditions blocking her from trials, her road to recovery might be a lot bumpier than we previously imagined. 

What did you think of the episode?

What was your favorite moment? Should Cara tell Miles about Adam already? What do you think Corey knows?

You can watch God Friended Me online right now and comment below! 

Almost Famous Review

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Lizzy Buczak was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in June 2021..

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God Friended Me Season 2 Episode 18 Quotes

Miles: I think the God Account is trying to help Ali by sending Kylie as a Friend Suggestion.
Rakesh: Yeah, that makes sense. Fix Kylie’s problem and her mom can’t help but be grateful.

Arthur: Miles has been trying to figure out who is behind the God Account from the beginning. If he and Cara think Corey is behind it, they must have a good reason.
Marcia: So, you’re saying you won’t speak with them?
Arthur: No, I’m saying even if I did, it wouldn’t make any difference. Miles is not going to stop until he’s figured it out.