Killing Eve Season 3 Episode 8 Review: Are You Leading or Am I?

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The season finale of Killing Eve Season 3 encapsulated so much of what makes Killing Eve unlike any other show on the air.

On Killing Eve Season 3 Episode 8, we progressed further than ever before in the relationship between Villanelle and Eve, while discovering what happened to Kenny in his final moments.

Everyone's on edge. These characters have always been hard to predict, but the heightened stakes make it impossible.

Together at Last - Killing Eve

Villanelle's undeniably changed since she killed her mother in Killing Eve Season 3 Episode 5 and has a brand new moral code. What exactly it entails is unclear. She doesn't want to kill anymore, but will if she has to. She tries to push Eve away to spare her pain but then turns around at the last second.

What does she want? Does she even know?

The only person just as confused as her is Eve. Eve's spent the entire season coming to terms with the fact that no matter what, she will always put Villanelle first. 

Even after her marriage fell apart and she almost died from a wound inflicted by her, she still runs to help Villanelle when she calls.

These two are addicted to each other. Sandra Oh and Jodie Comer's chemistry radiates off the screen. Their dynamic can shift from hate to love so easily.

She Means Business - Killing Eve Season 3 Episode 8

And it does. At the beginning of this season, Eve swore she was done with Villanelle. She had tried to kill her in Rome. But a few short episodes later, and Eve's kissing her on a bus. Now, she admits that all she sees in her future is Villanelle, Villanelle, and more Villanelle. 

Long gone are the days of them denying their feelings for each other. The cards are all laid out on the table. They imagine what their future would look like. They choose each other over and over again. And even when they try to quit cold turkey and say goodbye, they can't.

Eve: When I try to think of my future I just see your face over and over again.
Villanelle: It's a very beautiful face.

The end scene on the bridge might be my favorite scene of the entire show. It wasn't like the other two season finales where we're left wondering if one of them killed the other. It's a much more subtle type of pain this time.

No one's stabbed or shot, but they're both hurting. They want to be together but feel they shouldn't be. How is Eve supposed to wrap her head around the idea of being with a professional assassin? 

Villanelle may not want to kill anymore, but that doesn't erase all the deaths she's already caused. And now, for better or worse, Eve knows that she also has the capacity to kill someone. How can she indulge in a romance when she's been changed so drastically by Villanelle's presence in her life?

A Waiting Game - Killing Eve Season 3 Episode 8

Because unfortunately, Villanelle's monster does encourage hers. But, if Eve wants it to, it's no one's fault but her own.

Villanelle: I think my monster encourages your monster, right?
Eve: I think I wanted it to.

In just one season, Villanelle's perspective on her impact on Eve has completely shifted. She was willing to kill her in Rome for not immediately signing up for a life of crime with her. But now, she's worried that she's ruined Eve's life and is willing to try to fix that.

But, we all know she didn't ruin Eve's life. She's the one who brought meaning to it. Eve was living a boring, monotonous life with a dull husband and an unfulfilling job before she became entangled with Villanelle. 

Did I ruin your life?


Of course, that doesn't change all she's lost because of her. Her friends have died, and her marriage is in shambles. In any semblance of a relationship, Eve and Villanelle could have, there would always be an undercurrent of trauma running between them.

They both know it. And while it makes the most sense for the two of them to walk away from each other and never look back, they both turn around. 

Ticket Booth - Killing Eve Season 3 Episode 8

Because at the end of the day, the only person either of them cares about anymore is each other. Villanelle didn't leave with Konstantin. Eve and Niko are done. If they were to walk away right now, who would they go to? 

After a season of Villanelle and Eve being separated most of the time, it's nice at the end to acknowledge the fact that they are the most important people in each other's lives. 

Villanelle: Isn't that romantic?
Eve: You know who the only people who would think that are?
Villanelle: Who?
Eve: Us.

And that's what makes Killing Eve so great. When have we ever seen a show where the driving force is a mutual attraction and obsession between two women? The push and pull between Villanelle and Eve is the cornerstone of the entire series.

All of their actions are for each other, whether they're conscious of it or not. All they ever think about is each other. Villanelle can't even give a speech at her wedding without mentioning Eve.

Negotiation - Killing Eve Season 3 Episode 8

And going forward into another season, it's hard to imagine these two anywhere but together. They were miserable without each other this time around. They both grew as individuals in their time apart, and now they're ready to figure out what their lives could look like going forward.

But, you can tell it won't be easy. They won't run away together and be like Bonnie and Clyde. And it shouldn't be. Their relationship is so compelling because of the build-up going into it. 

If Eve and Villanelle kissed on the bridge and had their happy ending right then and there season four wouldn't be nearly as interesting. Because what is Killing Eve without the yearning?

Can They Trust Each Other - Killing Eve Season 1 Episode 8

Their final moment on Killing Eve Season 3 may not have been one of fanfiction dreams, but it was the perfect ending to a great season.

Their eyes lock across the bridge. There are a million things left unsaid. 

And it's a little bit sad, but a little bit hopeful, too.

Who's leading? - Killing Eve Season 3 Episode 8

Apart from the Eve and Villanelle interactions, the finale felt a bit mediocre.

We've been wondering what Kenny's final moments were like for so long that the reveal he just fell to his death was incredibly anticlimactic. 

We've always known that Konstantin will always put himself first, but if it really went how he said it did, he could've saved Carolyn a lot of heartache by coming clean earlier.

Konstantin: I love you.
Carolyn: You never loved me, not even close. Get on your knees.

It makes sense that he's scared of her reaction, but did he think she would never find out? Kenny called him that day. There was bound to be a camera somewhere placing him at the scene of the crime. It was inevitable.

Maybe he was hoping he'd be halfway to Cuba by then.

I hope he's getting Irina and going there now before Carolyn changes her mind. She'll never forgive him now. He let her wonder for months about what happened to her son when he knew all along. He was complicit.

Who's hiring? - Killing Eve Season 3 Episode 8

If they ever meet again, I'm not so sure he'll make it out alive this time. 

All of his ties have been cut. Even Villanelle has given up on him. They've never been family, but they were pretty close. She was right in deciding not to leave with him, but to sit there as he's held at gunpoint? That felt out of character. 

But maybe this is just the beginning of a new chapter for Eve and Villanelle. Neither of them has ties to anyone else anymore. Kenny, Konstantin, Dasha, and Niko are all gone. 

Eve's angry with Carolyn for killing Paul. Carolyn doesn't even want to continue the investigation. It's hard to imagine Eve stopping her pursuit of The Twelve, but it might be time. 

Waiting and Waiting - Killing Eve Season 3 Episode 8

What did you think of the season finale? 

Are you surprised Konstantin was there for Kenny's final moments? 

What do you think Eve and Villanelle's relationship will look like next season?

Let us know in the comments below!

If you missed the episode, you can watch Killing Eve online here at TV Fanatic anytime.

Are You Leading or Am I? Review

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Jillian Pugliese is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter.

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Killing Eve Season 3 Episode 8 Quotes

Eve: Are you leading or am I?
Villanelle: I have no idea.

Villanelle: Imagine if I refused. What do you think I would've become? Interior designer, maybe?
Eve: If you had, it would've saved me a lot of heartache.