NCIS: Los Angeles Season 12 Episode 10 Review: The Frogman's Daughter

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Kam's fate was finally made clear.

Sam was on the rampage throughout NCIS: Los Angeles Season 12 Episode 10.

Kam was abducted way back on NCIS: Los Angeles Season 12 Episode 9, which aired sometime between New Year's Day and when Tom Brady won another Super Bowl.

Determined Dad - NCIS: Los Angeles Season 12 Episode 10

Count your blessings, though, as this is the first of three consecutive new NCIS: Los Angeles episodes.

It's almost like binging. OK, make that snacking. But there's a low bar for new network content this year.

Abducted Daughter - NCIS: Los Angeles Season 12 Episode 10

So Kam's renewed appearances this season seem mainly to remind Sam of Michelle's abduction and subsequent death back on NCIS: Los Angeles Season 8 Episode 23.

Well, that's great for someone who is just starting to live life again outside of NCIS.

Oh, yeah, and to force him to realize that he doesn't know Kam at all.

Just when it seemed that she was going to become another chip off the military block.

Maybe that's the whole point.

Helping His Teammate - NCIS: Los Angeles Season 12 Episode 10

Brother Aiden, who has appeared in only four episodes, is off training to become a pilot. 

But Kam, who the Naval Academy has already accepted at Annapolis, strives to be more than the SEAL legend Sam Hanna's daughter.

So while it seemed Kam was in lockstep with Sam all this time, he found out that certainly wasn't the case.

We'll never know much she was planning to admit to Sam on the night she got abducted.

And by the time she was rescued, that ship had sailed in a big way, thanks to Eric uncovering her secret Instagram page.

Helpful Visitor - NCIS: Los Angeles

Omissions such as having a boyfriend and a car were more understandable. Most young women might want to avoid that inevitable aggravation.

But her being a leading organizer of Black Lives Matter protests should have come up, if only on an off-the-record basis. She clearly hadn't thought that through.

Kam was right that Annapolis admissions officers would likely frown at such civil disobedience.

But she needed to keep Sam informed. As 2020 showed, things can turn violent at protests so that he wouldn't have been quite so blindsided.

Also, did she think that Sam wouldn't have had to deal with discrimination throughout his military and law-enforcement careers?

Lending Support - NCIS: Los Angeles Season 12 Episode 10

Kam needed to give him more credit than she did.

Her decision to keep her secret life private led to Berserker Sam. Because he had no warning, he turned an investigation into a full-scale assault.

And that was without Callen to serve as a necessary brake since Callen was off searching for Anna, his secretive lover.

Callen didn't say much about his mission upon his return, and it appears it will be a couple of episodes before we learn more on that front.

That left Fatima, Eric, and mostly Roundtree trying to rein in Sam, which went as badly as you would expect. Sam is strong like a bull, mainly when his baby girl was in danger.

Searching for Anna - NCIS: Los Angeles Season 12 Episode 10

Give Roundtree credit. He was the only one who didn't turn tail and run from Sam. Then again, he hasn't been there long enough to know better.

Sam literally ran through fire for Kam, which gave an idea of his mindset.

It wasn't hard to pity poor Logan, Kam's boyfriend, about whom Sam didn't know.

Kam was just as stubborn as her dad, first bashing a hole in the cell wall, then faking out one of her jailers into opening her cell. 

She was lucky Sam showed up when he did and blessed he stopped before he choked out that militia trash.

Partner Returns - NCIS: Los Angeles Season 12 Episode 10

Fortunately, Kensi and Deeks, in the midst of their baby drama, could still do some solid investigative work, eventually tracking down where Kam was being held.

But it was Sam who cracked the case, as he noted the tattoo on the arm of Kam's abductor. Identifying her captors as disgraced deputies helped Kensi to make her discovery.

Now comes the hard part, as Sam and Kam must negotiate a new normal.

It's mostly on her to fill him in on what's she been doing, so he can better help her as needed. But he's got to treat her as an adult, not just his little girl.

It will be intriguing to see how much their relationship is explored during the rest of the season.

Back at NCIS - NCIS: Los Angeles Season 12 Episode 10

Poor Kensi and Deeks just can't seem to catch a break. He came back to NCIS with zero fanfare, as he stepped into a crisis.

But starting a family continued to elude them, and Kensi appears to be feeling all the weight of that. Deeks was blaming himself for Kensi's pain because having a family was his idea first.

How long before they consider fostering or adoption?

This was a good illustration of what happens with zero leadership on site. No Hetty, no Nell, Callen away for a time, and everyone else assisting Sam, who was understandable in crisis mode.

It promises to be more of the same on NCIS: Los Angeles Season 12 Episode 11, when Callen will step in it next time. It sounds like more reacting rather than acting.

On the bright side, there will be another appearance by Admiral Kilbride because, well, why not? He's always been the best Hetty substitute.

Headquarters Visitor - NCIS: Los Angeles Season 12 Episode 10

To follow Kam's development, watch NCIS: Los Angeles online.

Was Sam's behavior understandable?

Do you expect more Hanna drama?

What's next for Kensi and Deeks?

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The Frogman's Daughter Review

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Dale McGarrigle is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow him on X.

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NCIS: Los Angeles Season 12 Episode 10 Quotes

Roundtree: Are you sure you want to do this?
Sam: I need to do this.

Eric: Don't make me pull rank.
Fatima: You don't have rank.