The Peripheral Season 1 Episode 3 Review: Haptic Drift

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Flynne headed back into The Peripheral to help Wilf with the disappearance of Aelita on The Peripheral Season 1 Episode 3

We also learned about Wilf's past during a series of flashback scenes that revealed vital information.

Burton also stirred up some issues in his local community when he approached the town's big boss, Corbell Pickett.

Corbell Pickett - The Peripheral

Corbell isn't a man you want to mess with, but Burton didn't seem too afraid.

The episode culminated in a character's death in the future, but it opened up more questions than answers.

Corbell Talking with Burton - The Peripheral Season 1 Episode 3

Receiving information about Wilf's childhood proved to be integral to the episode, but it was unexpected.

Wilf got adopted by a British couple, whose original name was Wolfgang, but they changed it to Wilfred. However, this wasn't the biggest reveal.

Wilf and Aelita are brother and sister (at least, adoptively).

The young Aelita, played by the same girl that appeared at the beginning of The Peripheral Season 1 Episode1, refused to leave Wilf at the adoption center.

This fact makes the search (tempted to call it a hunt) for Aelita more personal for him.

Daniel Being Threatened - The Peripheral Season 1 Episode 3

Flynne and Wilf could not start hunting for Aelita (yeah, I said hunting, it feels like a hunt) until Flynne delivered a message to Burton: Corbell began to look into their family.

Corbell seemingly took the offer offered to him at the end of The Peripheral Season 1 Episode 2 by Daniel (the man that killed the Burton Peripheral).

Corbell seemed like someone that nobody wanted to mess with, but Burton went ahead and threatened him.

He threatened Corbell quite aggressively by having a sniper hidden nearby their meeting place, prompting him to agree to Burton's terms.

Sadly, it seems Corbell doesn't mind Burton's threats and still plans on sticking his nose in everything (which is his brand).

Corbell with Money - The Peripheral Season 1 Episode 3

Corbell adds to the overall intrigue of the show, but he's presented as a fundamental run-of-the-mill mobster bad guy (albeit a violent one).

Hopefully, they add more depth to his character (and, in turn, the rest of his gang), but we're not holding our breaths.

Burton's confidence seemed to stem from the surplus money he and Flynne are making now, and he's also spending too much of it.

Much to Flynne's shock, he purchased the store where Flynne worked and rented a jeep. Flynne was not happy about these purchases and thought Burton needed to calm down.

They had a fight in the car on the way back to the trailer, where Flynne entered the peripheral to continue the hunt for Aelita.

The Robot Cop - The Peripheral Season 1 Episode 3

Flynne linked up to Wilf to create a bond that lets them see what each other sees, another exciting aspect of science in the year 2099.

The police in London 2099 also have changed a bit: they are the same kind of androids scattered around the new world. One specific one had a particular interest in Flynne's Peripheral.

She supposedly walked suspiciously, which caused someone to call the police on her. She almost had to get taken in (or the peripheral itself), but Wilf managed to talk out of it.

Flynne and Wilf also shared a passionate kiss during this scene, seemingly to get out of the situation, but could it mean more? It would be hard to have it mean more with the time difference, but who knows?

The police being robots adds another aspect to the world-building without everything feeling like an information dump (like in episode 2).

Flynne and Wilf Kissing - The Peripheral Season 1 Episode 3

This episode felt a bit long, with the runtime being over an hour, and dragged in places, making some scenes unnecessary. The series' momentum hit the ground running with the first two outings, and it lost a little steam.

The lack of action scenes made the hour much less exciting than the first two, and while it doesn't need to be action-packed the entire time, we'd like a little more than the end scene and some bees.


Yes, bees. The big bad (we presume, we still don't know who to trust) has a giant bee haven, but there's a catch: she can control those bees.

And control those bees she did; she made them attack a woman named Grace, a friend of Aelita's who died because she knew the wrong person.

Doctor Nelund with Bees - The Peripheral Season 1 Episode 3

Doctor Nuland, the aforementioned big bad played by T'Nia Miller (The Haunting of Bly Manor), is a mysterious and ruthless villain, even threatening her cohort, Daniel (the man that killed the Burton avatar).

Daniel met his untimely demise after almost taking out Flynne and Wilf.

Flynne managed to figure out the clue that Aelita left her and Wilf's mom:

Where snow last fell in London.

This clue didn't mean anything to Wilf and his mother, but Flynne figured out it didn't mean real snow but a person with the last name Snow.

Flynne Talking with The Cop - The Peripheral Season 1 Episode 3

This led them to a familiar place for Flynne: the brick wall that opened when she stated the trigger words "I've arrived."

They entered a trashed apartment and found where the Burton peripheral received the eye surgery, which brought up flashbacks for Flynne. Flynne also saw something strange: a scale white model of the Fisher family's homestead.

This model confused Flynne: what does Aelita want with her and her family? Why does she have a model of their house and trailer in her weird medical room? So many questions.

On their way out, a battle ensued, leaving Flynne injured and Daniel dead before he could reveal any information. Flynne nor Wilf killed him, but Doctor Nuland killed him through one of the robots.

Daniel being dead may seem like a good thing, but it also showed how far Doctor Nuland would go to prevent Flynne from finding out the truth, whatever that may be.

Flynne In a Box - The Peripheral Season 1 Episode 3

There's a nagging feeling in this series that begs the question of what the real end-all will be.

Why does Doctor Nelund want Flynne dead? Can Flynne trust Wilf, Lev, and the rest of their associates? Who is Aelita working for?

What are the stakes for Flynne? The people who want her dead live 70 years in the future.

Hopefully, the series doesn't get too convoluted with its confusing timelines and unclear storylines.

For now, it's relatively straightforward and understandable. But with trippy science fiction, the writers have to tread a fine line, and that line got thinner after episode three.

Flynne Looking At Dead Peripherals - The Peripheral Season 1 Episode 3

So, Fanatics, what did you think of the third outing in this sci-fi series?

Will you continue to watch to find out what happens to Flynne and her family?

Let us know in the comments below! The Peripheral is based on the novel by William Gibson and airs on Amazon Prime on Fridays.

Haptic Drift Review

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Michael Stack is a former writer for TV Fanatic..

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