Carissa Pavlica

Carissa Pavlica

As managing editor and writer at TV Fanatic, I get to do what I love and help others achieve their dreams. Email me at

Manhattan Review: Pandora's Box

Manhattan Review: Pandora's Box

On the latest episode of Manhattan, the most important piece of creating the bomb arrives at The Hill and Frank's team will do anything to get their hands on it. Read on for more.
Posted in: Manhattan
Ray Donovan Review: Let it Ride

Ray Donovan Review: Let it Ride

On Ray Donovan, when another voice from the docks pops up, we get a clearer picture of just how ruthless Ed Cochran is and what Ray needs to do to protect himself. Read on for more.
Posted in: Ray Donovan
Satisfaction Review: Invisible Masks

Satisfaction Review: Invisible Masks

On the latest episode of Satisfaction, Neil learns an important lesson about being honest with himself from Adriana while Grace struggles on her new job. Read on for analysis.
Posted in: Satisfaction
Extant Review: Captured

Extant Review: Captured

Things go from bad to worse for Molly on Extant as she tries to escape the prying eyes of the ISEA but chooses the worst place for safety. Read on for a full review.
Posted in: Extant
Teen Wolf Review: No One Else Dies

Teen Wolf Review: No One Else Dies

Scott decides to get tough on Teen Wolf after rescuing his Beta by declaring he won't sit back and watch more deaths. Find out what else went down in the review!
Posted in: Teen Wolf