Stranger Danger - The Flash Season 2 Episode 2

We've seen the trailer, so we can put this together. Jay Garrick arrives right in the middle STAR Labs (isn't that security issue fixed by now?) making the team to question exactly what he wants and why he's there. STRANGER DANGER!!!

Nice Emblem - The Flash Season 2 Episode 1

Cisco is pleased with the spiffed up new Flash costume. Not like we've seen it in action yet, as all of the other photos feature the older suit. I wonder what gives... What I'm wondering is how Barry chooses to use the hood only and when to use that harder looking face mask thing. For the time warp business, maybe? Bullets?

Infiltrated - The Flash Season 2 Episode 1

It sure looks like someone has infiltrated STAR Labs again. From the trailer we know that the Atom-Smasher manages to morph his way somewhere. Perhaps it's here? They look none too happy, not a single one of them. And Joe's got a gun drawn again!

Soaking Some Rays - The Flash Season 2 Episode 1

Cisco and Joe are just hanging in the sun at this point, soaking up some rays. Whatever point this is in the story, who cares? They look comfortable. Note that Cisco is sporting some Flash colors!

Strategizing - The Flash Season 1 Episode 23

Barry, Cisco and Ronnie are probably plotting their next move in great detail. That IS Barry going back in time to save his mother, right, and how to get back? Getting back is what worries me!

Gun Up! - The Flash Season 1 Episode 23

Joe doesn't trust Ray Palmer's nanites to hold Eobard Thawne and his Reverse Flash suit at bay for too long and wisely raises his gun. Cynicism rules!

Is There an Apology? - The Flash Season 1 Episode 23

In this moment, when Eobard is about to put his life into Cisco's hands, you have to wonder if he'll try to apologize to Cisco or whether he'll realize sticking with the truth makes more sense. The truth is he's already told Cisco how he felt straight out -- he likes him, loves him as much like a son as he can, but he's collateral damage when it comes down to it.

Help is Here - The Flash Season 1 Episode 23

It's hard to guess, really, why Dr. Stein has been called in, or when. Maybe he's helping Barry determine when and how to get BACK IN TIME to his mother? Shiver me timbers!!

Entering the Accelerator - The Flash Season 1 Episode 23

Barry is going into the particle accelerator, which is probably where the man they knew as Harrison Wells, Eobard Thawne aka Reverse Flash is being contained. We have to assume he can be contained!

Cisco's Turn - The Flash Season 1 Episode 23

Cisco takes a turn rubbing the magic genie. Hey, if you think about it, having a friend like Barry is about as magical as it's going to get. Taking the time to remember how important your friends are is always a good idea.

Hunkered Down - The Flash Season 1 Episode 22

Cisco, Caitlin and Joe hunker down for safety. Good call!

Special Request - The Flash Season 1 Episode 22

Barry turns to Captain Cold for a special request.

The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

Where I came from, I was a speedster like you. They called me The Flash.
