Flash Team at Jitters - The Flash Season 2 Episode 5

They're always going to toss in one of these Flash team at Jitters photos, and more often than not, it will have Barry putting a hand on Cisco's shoulder. Very odd, that.

Barista - The Flash Season 2 Episode 5

Kendra Saunders aka Hawkgirl is being introduced to the world as a barista at Jitters. Didn't see that one coming, did you? I guess there aren't a lot of places in Central City to get your start!

Lighting Up the Room - The Flash Season 2 Episode 5

Cisco is lighting up the room while he carries on a converation. With his smile. Like Mary Tyler Moore. You've heard the phrase before, right? Come on people!

Cisco Flirts - The Flash Season 2 Episode 5

Cisco meets Kendra Saunders at Jitters and decides to get his flirt on. Even Barry can't help but take note. Kendra will be Hawkgirl on DC's Legends of Tomorrow.

The Gang's All Here - The Flash Season 2 Episode 4

It sure looks like they're all preparing for a test run. What on earth must Jax be thinking as this is all going down? It should be very interesting to find out. After all, the first duo didn't have a choice in the matter!

Suiting Up - The Flash Season 2 Episode 4

Cisco is suiting up Jax for what appears to be the first time. Wouldn't you be scared to death? It would be a hard pill to swallow, learning you're about to go nuclear and fuse with somebody else.

Introductions - The Flash Season 2 Episode 4

Well, here he is! This is Jax Jackson (Franx Drameh), who will become the other half of Firestorm. He's at the bedside of Dr. Stein, so he must be well on his way receiving information. Was he already a metahuman?

Up and Around - The Flash Season 2 Episode 4

It looks like Dr. Stein is up and around. That is a good thing! He must be helping in the search for his perfect match. Wonder how close they've come to narrowing down the candidate list in this photo.

Buddies - The Flash Season 2 Episode 3

Cisco and The Flash bump fists like boys do. Even when suited up as a superhero, under it all, The Flash is still just Barry Allen, geeky guy who's up for a fist bump.

Flash Team - The Flash Season 2 Episode 3

The original three Flash Team members chat amongst themselves, either before or after Barry heads out on a mission. They probably just learned Leonard Snart has been kidnapped!

How Many Worlds Are There? - The Flash Season 2 Episode 2

This is another one we remember from he trailer, right? Cisco asks how many worlds there are when Jay Garrick announces that "their" world is in danger. Hell, who wouldn't be interested? And, does Garrick really call his "Earth-2?" Why would they label theirs 2? Can't wait to find out!

Skeptical Joe - The Flash Season 2 Episode 2

You gotta love the look on Joe's face, as he kind of leans back, taking in the full picture of the sudden intrusion into the lab. Yep, there are still people coming into the lab unannounced, after all!

The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

Where I came from, I was a speedster like you. They called me The Flash.
