Cisco's Confused - The Flash Season 3 Episode 10

Barry, Caitlin, and a mystery guest in the lab look on as Cisco questions HR. What's the latest version of Wells up to this time?

HR's Showing Off - The Flash Season 3 Episode 10

Cisco, Barry, and HR shares smiles, but Caitlin looks pretty serious as the lab's guest lingers in the background.

What is Going On? - The Flash Season 2 Episode 7

Now what the heck is this photo? Isn't that the Reverse Flash suit? Is this a flashback photo or does Harry Wells have a Reverse Flash suit, too? We gotta know now!

All Smiles - The Flash Season 2 Episode 7

Cisco will be planning his first date with Kendra Saunders. Will he be able to go on his first date after his coworker Caitlin has her own date with Gorilla Grodd?

Side by Side - The Flash Season 2 Episode 6

Caitlin and Cisco are standing there, mouths agape, as they decide their next move. In order to find out what it is, we'll have to watch The Flash!!

Cisco's Gotta Gun - The Flash Season 2 Episode 6

Everybody has a chance to play with weapons every once in a while, and it's Cisco's turn as he attempt to defend his home turf. If Zoom penetrated STAR Labs, that hardly seems the best weapong of defense.

Who is It? - The Flash Season 2 Episode 6

They didn't spring immediately into action. Are they frozen into place at the sight of the intruder?

Shock and Awe - The Flash Season 2 Episode 6

This is a look that says those pesky STAR Labs enchanced security systems didn't exactly do their job. Will that place ever be safe?

Two Heads Better than One - The Flash Season 2 Episode 6

Two brilliant men working on a project together are certainly better than one. Cisco seems to be a lot more comfortably with Harry after a few days together.

New Pals - The Flash Season 2 Episode 6

Despite the fact Crisco thinks Harry is a dick, to you think these two will become fast friends? Some of the best friendships are born of such initial adversity.

Working on the Problem - The Flash Season 2 Episode 6

Cisco is busily working on the problem. What, exactly, is the problem they are working on? No idea! Whatever it is, Jay Garrick (who didn't leave after all?) thinks it's too dangerous to carry out.

Giving Advice - The Flash Season 2 Episode 5

Barry gives advice to Cisco. If he's trying to give dating advice, maybe Cisco should pack it in and get advice from someone else, because Barry isn't exactly the most successful dater in the world.

The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

Where I came from, I was a speedster like you. They called me The Flash.
