A Lucrative Enterprise - The Simpsons

Bart ropes Principal Skinner into a lucrative criminal enterprise on The Simpsons. "Game Done Changed" is the tenth episode of the show's 34th season.

A Future Tale - The Simpsons

A future tale of will they or won't they on The Simpsons. "When Nelson Met Lisa" is the is ninth episode of the show's 34th season.

Filled with Resentment - The Simpsons

Homer is filled with resentment when Grampa dotes on his girlfriend's son on The Simpsons. "Step Brother From The Same Planet" is the eighth episode of the show's 34th season.

Homer's Parenting Style - The Simpsons

Homer's parenting style is exposed on The Simpsons. "From Beer To Paternity" is the seventh episode of the show's 34th season.

Not The Man He Thought He Was - The Simpsons

Homer learns he's not the man he thought he was on The Simpsons. " Treehouse Of Horror XXXIII" is the sixth episode of the show's 34th season.

Evil Clown - The Simpsons

An evil, shape-shifting clown terrorizes children on The Simpsons. "Not It" is the fifth episode of the show's 34th season

Segment Producer - The Simpsons

Marge becomes a segment producer on Krusty's new daytime talk show on The Simpsons. "The King Of Nice" is the fourth episode of the show's 34th season.

Out Scouting Each Other - The Simpsons

Lisa and Bart try to out scout one another on The Simpsons. "Lisa The Boy Scout" is the third episode of the show's 34th season.

Marge Becomes Obsessed - The Simpsons

Marge becomes obsessed with her exercise bike on The Simpsons. "One Angry Lisa" is the second episode of the show's 34th season.

Something Sinister - The Simpsons

Homer finds something sinister online on The Simpsons. "Habeas Tortoise" is the first episode of the show's 34th season.