Rats go underground. Not Waldorfs.

Hello? I'm stuck in the elevator with someone who sucks all the air out of the room. Send help or I'll be dead within the hour.

Dan: Blair, what's going on? I thought you were mad at me.
Blair: And I forgive you if you shut up and guard the door.
Dan: It's not like you to forgive me. Or run away from a feast.

Chuck: Did you ever find Brandeis?
Blair: Yes. We're not friends anymore. That's okay. I have you. That's all I need.

Blair: I've been thinking about changing my signature scent. I've been trying out a new one, I can't decide if I like it. Would you mind?
Chuck: [sniffs Blair] Smells a little like desperation.

Blair: Dorota, what's going on with me?
Dorota: You aren't fighting with Mr. Chuck, so you are fighting with everyone else.

Serena, sit your ass down.

Operator: Information, city and state please.
Blair: Brooklyn... I think that's in New York.

Blair: As tradition on the day before my birthday, I'm heading to the jewelry to put some pieces on hold for Eleanor and...
Chuck: Nate? Oh, I don't think he'll be singing Happy Birthday this year.
Blair: No one knows that Nate and I broke up, and it's going to stay that way until I can fix this. And I don't think you're best friend would still be you best friend is he knew...
Chuck: If he knew how much I enjoyed the removal of a certain chastity belt in the back of this very limo?

Blair: Your plan to ruin me totally backfired. Turns out Marcus' mommy is even sicker than you are.
Chuck: You got along great?
Blair: I think she recognized herself in me. Or rather, I recognized something in her.
Chuck: I don't follow.
Blair: All you need to know is, you lost. It was a solid effort.
Chuck: Tomorrow's another day.
Blair: Good night, Chuck.

Doctor: Are you saying that you want your fiance to be more like Chuck?
Blair: No! More like the man Chuck's become. Like Louis used to be when Chuck was like Louis is now.
Doctor: If you don't mind my saying so, you seem confused.

Serena: How's your mom doing with the divorce.
Blair: Great. So, my dad left her for another man. She lost 15 pounds, got an eye lift. It's been good for her.

Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Hazel: Do you know what you're doing, Little J?
Jenny: I'm not Little J anymore.